:: Monday, 8 August 2005 ::
WOG MOG LE JOG TRAVELOG - August 8 to 21, 2005
Let us get down to it, alright?
Driver: Italian-Australian aka Wog Car: Morgan 4/4 aka Mog Journey: Land's End to John o'Groats in the UK aka LE JOG
That is correct.
Am driving this:
From the bottom left corner to the top right:

And back again. Over the next two weeks.
O. Mo. Go.
Pics and commentary from the road to follow.
Thanks for friendly e-'s care of Oz blogger and fellow petrolheadTim Blair. I am on the road and hoping to update the blog daily so feel free to buzz and I will buzz ya back.
Comments would be opened up too for anyone who feels the urge to heap praise upon the car and me for driving it except f*cked if I can work out how Blogger's comments thing is meant to function. I am clicking the comments button but....whatever.
I have a car to drive dammit. I cannot be bothering with this propellerheady nonsense. Anybody care to drop me a line, gtreat, thanks, but keep it simple, alright?
Next, post and pics...and yes, cake....
:: WB 8:26 pm [link+] ::