:: Wednesday, 21 November 2007 ::
What manner of idiocy is this?
Natch, they are skippies who did this - the distributing of flyers from some bogusmythical Muslim organision saying 'Hey. Thanks Labour for going soft on Muslim terrorists' or some such rubbish. Skippies. Natch, fer sher. Unfunny and unfair, no matter how they try to dress this up.
See, the problems of a modern multiculti society with a lot of "new australians" i.e wogs, in it, is not the wogs per se. It is the lousy wog 'behaviours'. That is the problem.
If you want to go the Mulsim wogs go them for something they deserve - have a go for shitty behaviour (Cronulla harrassment of girls), for criminal acts (Cronulla violence), for self-pity (Keysar Trad every time he opens his mouth) and for self-imposed language ghettos (HilalyHilalyHilay and that stupid girl with the Big Blue Coat of Purity).
But these idiot skippy Liberalparty jackasses (nothing to do with the Nats) atchally do not want to go the Muslims wogs. That is not their issue 3 days out from an election. They just want to discourage skips from voting Labour. So they have thought to themselves with their giant minds to fabricate a pro-Labour terrorist organisation - kinda like The Chaser - no link, I cannot be asked it is so universityquality unfunny to me - except that it is 3 days before an election and no time for jokes in the Lib party.
Taking your cues from show that is not funny - quality work, eh?
In fact alls these skips wanted to get across by doing this stunt is to point out nothing more than this:
Hey skippies, some wogs like Labour.
O. Mo. Go. I know. I know. It is crushing isn't it. How can one maintain his world view in the face of such an onslaught?
Jeez. Have they never met a Greek?
Most skips rock. Some skips really need to get out more.
:: WB 1:55 pm [link+] ::