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:: Thursday, 27 December 2007 ::

Good Grief, eh?

Benazir Bhutto shot in the neck and dead dead dead. Then the shooter blew himself (of course it was him, and doubtless an observant Muslim boy he was too) up and killed a bunch of nearby folks, Muslims all, natch.

Hitchens has tapped out a quick and good piece about Benazir. Seems she might have been a Taliban fan once upon a time.


Prolly the psychos who did this, with a bit of Al Qaeda craazyhelp as well. What's that ancient latin maxim? "Lie down with dogs, get up with rabies" or some such.

Yeah, it is rabies. in this case at least.

Not a good way to be getting to the end of this 2007.

:: WB 2:36 pm [link+] ::
:: Monday, 24 December 2007 ::
Buon Natale

It just would not be a wog Christmas without the Panettone and the rest of the delicious fixins.

Thanks to all readers for readin' during this pretty neglectful year of blogging on my part. Must resolve to address this profound laziness in 08.

:: WB 1:57 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 9 December 2007 ::
KEVIN07 Out of the Darkness and Into the Light, eh?


Not my voting choice but, hey, can I really complain when my preferred political team won 4 elections in a row? Nope.

A goodly part of me thinks it is a good thing for Labor to get up, if only because. if they lost again, the sector of society that hates Howard and libs in general would quite simply go berserk. Degenerating into violence, maybe. At the very least continuing with the whole 'Australia is a gulag....and doomed' concept, you know?

I do believe Rudd is full of shit, and Gillard as well and Swan and Tanner and all of them really, cos their party represents a world view that likes their wogs servile, on their knees, needy and not uppity. We will have to wait and see whether Rudd can change that and get his party to deal with wogs as people first, some good and some lousy.

Happy to be proved wrong by Labor.
:: WB 2:43 pm [link+] ::

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