:: Thursday, 27 December 2007 ::
Good Grief, eh?
Benazir Bhutto shot in the neck and dead dead dead. Then the shooter blew himself (of course it was him, and doubtless an observant Muslim boy he was too) up and killed a bunch of nearby folks, Muslims all, natch.
Hitchens has tapped out a quick and good piece about Benazir. Seems she might have been a Taliban fan once upon a time.
Prolly the psychos who did this, with a bit of Al Qaeda craazyhelp as well. What's that ancient latin maxim? "Lie down with dogs, get up with rabies" or some such.
Yeah, it is rabies. in this case at least.
Not a good way to be getting to the end of this 2007.
:: WB 2:36 pm [link+] ::
:: Monday, 24 December 2007 ::
Buon Natale
It just would not be a wog Christmas without the Panettone and the rest of the delicious fixins.
Thanks to all readers for readin' during this pretty neglectful year of blogging on my part. Must resolve to address this profound laziness in 08.
:: WB 1:57 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 9 December 2007 ::
KEVIN07 Out of the Darkness and Into the Light, eh?
Not my voting choice but, hey, can I really complain when my preferred political team won 4 elections in a row? Nope.
A goodly part of me thinks it is a good thing for Labor to get up, if only because. if they lost again, the sector of society that hates Howard and libs in general would quite simply go berserk. Degenerating into violence, maybe. At the very least continuing with the whole 'Australia is a gulag....and doomed' concept, you know?
I do believe Rudd is full of shit, and Gillard as well and Swan and Tanner and all of them really, cos their party represents a world view that likes their wogs servile, on their knees, needy and not uppity. We will have to wait and see whether Rudd can change that and get his party to deal with wogs as people first, some good and some lousy.
Happy to be proved wrong by Labor.
:: WB 2:43 pm [link+] ::
:: Wednesday, 21 November 2007 ::
What manner of idiocy is this?
Natch, they are skippies who did this - the distributing of flyers from some bogusmythical Muslim organision saying 'Hey. Thanks Labour for going soft on Muslim terrorists' or some such rubbish. Skippies. Natch, fer sher. Unfunny and unfair, no matter how they try to dress this up.
See, the problems of a modern multiculti society with a lot of "new australians" i.e wogs, in it, is not the wogs per se. It is the lousy wog 'behaviours'. That is the problem.
If you want to go the Mulsim wogs go them for something they deserve - have a go for shitty behaviour (Cronulla harrassment of girls), for criminal acts (Cronulla violence), for self-pity (Keysar Trad every time he opens his mouth) and for self-imposed language ghettos (HilalyHilalyHilay and that stupid girl with the Big Blue Coat of Purity).
But these idiot skippy Liberalparty jackasses (nothing to do with the Nats) atchally do not want to go the Muslims wogs. That is not their issue 3 days out from an election. They just want to discourage skips from voting Labour. So they have thought to themselves with their giant minds to fabricate a pro-Labour terrorist organisation - kinda like The Chaser - no link, I cannot be asked it is so universityquality unfunny to me - except that it is 3 days before an election and no time for jokes in the Lib party.
Taking your cues from show that is not funny - quality work, eh?
In fact alls these skips wanted to get across by doing this stunt is to point out nothing more than this:
Hey skippies, some wogs like Labour.
O. Mo. Go. I know. I know. It is crushing isn't it. How can one maintain his world view in the face of such an onslaught?
Jeez. Have they never met a Greek?
Most skips rock. Some skips really need to get out more.
:: WB 1:55 pm [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 20 November 2007 ::
The Wog Blogger is ...
And the Frog blogger too.
I have been peddling the wog perspective on matters as well as judging what matters for some time now.
And right now what matters is getting in to some serious celebrazione imbibing.
Hat tips and hugs to all the readers and emailers, and to Blair for his occasional Blaivalanches and Norm for his Profile and the sadly retired Bunyip and silent Bilious for their support.
So many new folks have come to blogging over the past five years and so many long standing players have been keeping me interested for eva. Linked at left and worth a look, every one.
Now, let us never speak of this ageing business again.
Later doodles.
UPDATE: And thanks to all the kind commenters over at Blair's speshally the learned Monaro's dissertation on 'wog'. Good stuff.
As for the wonderful Urbs in Horto and his suggestion of my smartassery as a delightful child, well, I'm cut. he cuts me. Nothing could be more wronger. I was a delight. So much so that I got a pony. Which I wanted.
And a harp.
Which I did not, really.
So many stories. I should prolly consider writin' them down. If only there was some way of capturin' ideas, you know, publishing and stuff...oh, yeah. Right.
:: WB 3:22 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 19 November 2007 ::
How Embarrassment
Quality tabloid reporting from the Daily Telegraph reveals Labor's crap ads featuring narky folks who have turned on the Prime Minister are scripted and filmed and wholly fake. Kinda fits with the party itself, seeing as how it is faking its policies by ripping them off the gumment.
:: WB 12:45 pm [link+] ::
Hey, this guy hates lawyers almost as much as me
.... and he is a law professor too!
:: WB 12:25 pm [link+] ::
Yeah, well yeah
ABC Lateline just did a tiny piece in Bennelong talking to some wogs there, in particular a couple Chinese small business owners - one restaurant, one office. Both voting for Howard, natch, because of the economy. The fellow was asked whether he was impressed that Kevin Rudd could speak Mandarin. Answer:
"Not really. He was a diplomat so of course he should be bilingual. I speak three languages. It is no big deal.
Actually I speak four (smiles)"
Nice slam, China. Hat's off to you and your mad linguistic skillz.
:: WB 3:33 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 18 November 2007 ::
Another comedy triumph from Annabelle Crabb
This time ridiculing Julia Gillard for her inability to just be straight with people. Say what you like about Howard but he'll happily confess to having an ideology that leaves people alone to get on with their own lives. Neither Gillard nor Rudd can even bear to expose to expose their ideology that insists on government interference in people's lives.
Last week of electioneering.
I am not a cynical person. I am a glass half full, take people as you find them kind of voter. And I find Rudd is a smarmy school principal disapproving matron kind of person. The persed lips. The no mates. The never answering simple questions. The too many words about Howard. The "plans" and the "committees" instead of straight actions. Urgh. And Gillard is just embarrassing. A leftie idealogue who's energy goes in to not showing her true colours, with a crap speaking style who'll be the head of the country when Rudd's away. Like that Helen woman in New Zealand. And Swan is just D-grade. Garrett is laughable and Roxon is 12 years old and up herself, incredibly. Also, Maxine McKew.....what does she stand for again?
Of course being Italian, I have a well developed Machiavelli gland that releases pounds and pounds of political views and scheming and long-game manouvering to me.
Politically I want LibNats to get up because I can see labor is just a bunch of idiots with a fast learning curve they would have to endure if they won, but with obviuously no will to learn cos they are so idealogically set in their stupid 1970s ways (and no, broadband is not un70's. It's just a fancy phone line.)
But they have Senate, so if labor wins, which I guess is likely, then whatever.
And even if Labor won everything outright, sure it would be shit for the country for a bit but Oz would survive. It is Labor people like Gillard banging on about Howard smashing Oz into submission. He hasn't. We don't submit. Things will be okay - although Labor will fuck up the economy - they cannot help themselves.
Urgh, eh? Whatever.
:: WB 12:56 pm [link+] ::
:: Wednesday, 14 November 2007 ::
Hmmmm, Climate Resistance, eh?
This pleases me.
:: WB 9:03 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 12 November 2007 ::
Finest country music album cover?
It is good, but for my money
:: WB 11:45 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 11 November 2007 ::
"I never turned away from cathy, no matter how fat she was"
Skips are rude.
It is a gift.
:: WB 2:32 pm [link+] ::
Oh God. I am a Lazio Fan
Gabriele Sandri, a 26-year-old disc jockey from Rome, was hit in the neck by a bullet while in a car at the rest area along the A1Autostrada highway near the town of Arezzo, about 200km north of Rome. The fans were heading to Lazio's match at Inter Milan.
Arezzo police, reading a statement, said police in two patrol cars who had stopped on the opposite side of the highway for an unrelated check of vehicles turned on their sirens when they "heard yelling, screaming" and realised the occupants of three cars in the rest area were fighting.
"They turned on their sirens," but the clash continued, the police said. "One of the (officers) decided to fire two shots in the air to try to intimidate them."
"At that point the cars moved" to return to the highway, the police said. One of the vehicles "with five occupants, took a shot, which hit the young man in the neck", the statement said.
The car drove a few kilometres to the nearest exit and asked for help, but the fan had been mortally shot, and an ambulance crew failed to revive him, police said.
They described the officer who fired the shots as a veteran but didn't provide the officer's name, and, adding that the case was under investigation, refused to answer questions.
How bloody awful is that?
:: WB 2:23 pm [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 10 November 2007 ::
Remembrance Day
I remember it by thinking of Septimus Power.
Wonderful and poignant.
:: WB 5:31 pm [link+] ::
Mafia 10 Commandments
Can you believe this? Why, it is almost as if these violent retard drug-dealers are trying to seem honourable.
It would be laughable, really, if it was not so damned sad. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
1. No-one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.
What person? A person called Mario with many subwoofers in his hotted up car, natch.
2. Never look at the wives of friends.
Hello? Hello? We are talking about wogs here. All women are on the menu. All the time.
3. Never be seen with cops.
How the hell would youse know, imbeciles? Provenzano got caught cos of informers....mafiosi talkng to the coppers. And Riina was caught in his own house, after getting plenty protection from bent coppers. What this should read is never be seen with straight cops...but once again, how would any of these mafia scum know? Idiots.
4. Don’t go to pubs and clubs.
Exsqueeze me, but where exactly is it that Mario is meant to pick up the wives, eh? The chicks?
5. Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty - even if your wife’s about to give birth.
Birth? Men avoiding it? Your point is?
6. Appointments must absolutely be respected.
Ha! Ever done business with Italians? yeah, for Sicilians, double it and add thirty.
7. Wives must be treated with respect.
Oh puhleez, with the wives again? Wives are for cheating on. Full stop.
8. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.
...stop, stop, I am holding my sides.
9. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families.
Oh yeah. We all know how well the Navara's get on with the Leggio's. Jeez.
10. People who can’t be part of Cosa Nostra: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn’t hold to moral values.
So why is this blight on the world still existing since every member is a two-timer with no morals?
People who cannot really be part of the Cosa Nostra? Anyone taller than 5 ft, who can speak fluent actual Italian.
I would say H/T to Tuscan Tony, but now I am angry.
:: WB 4:54 pm [link+] ::
Ah, Merry Old England...
Here are two posts on the same topic.
Not gonna stay merry for long with jackasses like Bari spewing their nonsense. I mean, pulp Rushie but leave the Protocols alone? Could this idiot be any more transparent? He is a Jew hating, poof hating woman oppressor who cannot fathom a life without his religion telling him how to think every second of every day. What a blight eh?
:: WB 4:34 pm [link+] ::
Norman Mailer is Dead
That Powerline post about him is a goody. Captures Mailer quite well.
Although the man was a leftie nightmare of idiocy and misplaced compassion:
In 1980, Mailer spearheaded convicted killer Jack Abbott's successful bid for parole. He helped Abbott publish a collection of letters to Mailer about his experiences in prison. Abbott committed a murder within weeks of his release, and consequently, Mailer was subject to criticism for his role; in a 1992 interview, in the Buffalo News, he conceded that his involvement was "another episode in my life in which I can find nothing to cheer about or nothing to take pride in."
Ya know, in all my life I have yet to aggressively petition to release a killer, who kills again. Any neither has my mother.
I guess it could happen.
But it prolly will not.
What a wanker he was, eh?
But prolly a bucket of fun to have a beer with.
Anyhoo, for all his good works, he wrote some real shit. I musta tried reading Ancient Evenings about a hundered times but never made it past the opening bits which I think take place in a mausoleum or cemetery...or maybe it was a carpark. Whatever. It was impenetrable and insufferable in anything other than small doses. Possibly like the man himself.
:: WB 4:21 pm [link+] ::
:: Friday, 9 November 2007 ::
Mahmood Rocks
:: WB 4:17 pm [link+] ::
:: Thursday, 8 November 2007 ::
Good Lord, Jonathan Steele is an Insufferable Wanker
Here he slags Sarkozy and here he flat out gymnastically defends Amadinejad (?).
Now, I can accept that as an urban wog in Sydney I am doubtless late to the Steele Wankery and readers are already aware of the botulism Steele perpetuates in his writings. But seriously, read this shit and weep. See this cretin is one of them crap Brits, the ones that shoulda bin left on a mountain to die, ya know?
Urgh. I am as yellow as the day is long (blah blah insert six gears in reverse Italian joke here) but I think I might not be countable on to not toss my drink in this prissy prig's ugly mug if I was unfortunate enuff to meet him in a bar.
Him and Arthur Batchelor. Amemba him?
Not representative of Brits I know, thank Christ.
:: WB 11:52 pm [link+] ::
Exsqueeze Me?
... in October Italy became the first European Union member to be granted diplomatic representation in the 22-member Arab League.
What genius decided this 'representation' was necessary? How embarrassment to be the first. Before even the French. Urgh.
:: WB 11:14 pm [link+] ::
A Brit SAS man speaks of Iraq
This Brit.
And it is mighty interesting and hopeful reading.
:: WB 10:36 pm [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 30 October 2007 ::
Excellent work from The Times
Top 20 blasphemies - natch it is the Ismalics that do the killing in response. Check it out, but. See how well behaved the Christians are in the face of so much nonsense.
UPDATE: This, on the other hand, makes for depressing reading - Mosques filled to the rafters with violent woman hating, poof hatingm Jew hating blathery books. Still good work from the paper to ferret this all out. Wonder if the same is done in Oz? Hope so.
:: WB 1:38 pm [link+] ::
:: Monday, 29 October 2007 ::
Ya Gotta Accentuate the Peacefulness, Eliminate the Victimhood
By which I mean, these guys, who are prolly not bad guys, need to understand what everyone on earth who is not a Muslim understands:
Muslims commit more terrorism and have more violent reactions to simple stuff happening, like cartoons getting published, than any other type of person, full stop. Daylight between them and anyone else.
Embrace it, mate. Own up to it. It is your problem that your religion is filled with cranks and nutjobs. To whit: Osama, Amrozi, Arafat all of them.
And the fact we all notice it is not our fault. It is the fault of the nutjobs, natch. And it is also a tiny bit your fault too. Yes you there, the Muslims who do not commit mad acts of madness. Why? Sheesh, do I even need to explain? It is simply not good enough to say "Youse are making us mad with the noticing of the bombings and the jihad and the 24x7 'Allahu Akhbar' and all that, and some guy is gonna bomb youse cos he is mad".
Stop explaining the nutjobs' motivations to us non-terrorists. We know what they are. It is your religion. They tell us over and over.
And we just do not care a bit.
Not a bit.
Start shopping these nutjobs to the coppers, or better yet, stop the nutjob preachers coming in to Oz then gather all the idiot local nutjobs together and deliver them an almighty smack upside the head.
See, these two Leb guys in the article are not bad guys. But it seems to me that they are crawling towards understanding something about Oz that every other wog here understands and every other wog here reached the understanding much quicker than lebs. Sorry to be so blunt, but I reckon this is objectively true.
No skippy is going to give you a break for even a second while you obsess over how good you are even though you go unrecognised and how maligned you are even though it is other wogs bringing the whole lot down.
I remember the Robert Trimboli episode - he remains Oz's only known mafia boss, who ordered the hit on a Griffith councillor Donald McKay. For a bit there it seemed as if every wog was considered a mafioso. Utter nonsense of course but it was all there. Needless to say, in the grand tradition of loudmouthed mafiosi everywhere - as opposed to the genuine omerta article, they talk a big talk but when it all boils down they are mammone. Mummy's boys. Now, Trimboli never slammed planes in to buildings or bombed a Bali nightclub or London trains and Madrid trains, so the comparison is a bit rich I will grant you. Still but, the point is made.
The Leb boys in the article did not do the terrible things other Muslims have done.
But they do not spend nearly enough of their breath condemning and the terrible acts and the people who do them or who think it was just dandy that they were done.
That is the trouble.
Stop whining. Sure the police have buggered up some cases. What? Did you think they and the prosecution services were infallible? Stop looking around everywhere but in your own backyard for the problem. Start slamming islamic fascism for what it is. Backwards and a stain on every Muslim wog. Coming straight outta the mosque.
First step, is get up off the floor. Sitting right on the floor like a common goatherd is doin' nuthin' for your image, right?
Next step, all mosque, all English language all the time in Oz. Full stop.
After that step, remove every copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion from every Islamic bookshelf everywhere and have the media cover the convoy when you take them all down to some art studio where some artist can burn them and make them into a sculpture of glass and ash - nice way to put paid to the idiotic Middle eastern obsession with hating jews which bores the rest of us to tears. Do not take them to the paper recycling because some idiot imam will lover that - the idea that the protocols will get all distributed around the world. you can hear him now, laughing his idiot laugh and squealing with little boy delight at the prospect. And a big ol' bookburning. Well. She is outta the question, right? Right.
Double after that step, Friday prayers - if you must - to be immediately followed by Friday cricket - it is summer now, or nearly right? day light saving means lovely late night light. Youse are no less Muslims and Lebs cos youse play cricket. Folks just want to not have to think about how crazy Lebs are, yeah? Give us all a break. Play some fucking cricket and act normal for a change.
Urgh. they are crawling, I tells ya...but even crawling they'll get there...eventually....urgh. Why is it taking so long?
:: WB 2:55 am [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 27 October 2007 ::
Not a Good Look
Pictures of himself half-naked and holding his dick? Himself. His very own Family First self. Sheesh. It rather seems to me that at 22 this is not the end of his world. If you have ever had the grave misfortune of looking on the Facebook and the MySpace you will see the most stupid and future-reputation-injurious shots of folks all over the place.
That they themselves publish.
Of themselves.
But this fellow. Well, he sure has kept it kinda difficult for Family First to be taken seriously. I say "kept" cos no one really takes them all that seriously, no matter how many decibels are generated by happy clapping at Hillsong festas of a weekend.
Do not get me wrong. I got no quarrel with the happy clappers. Seems to me they are okay folks with okay attitudes to life. I do not share them, but it is a big ol' world. I always maintain the Greenies are the ones that are most likely to ruin my life long before the happy clappers get a chance to tell me how to live. Greenies always want to tell folks how to think as well as live. And double plus they do not like cars. Gi Fa with that, eh? Too right.
Maybe the fellow was having some quiet time on his own with the porn and such, in which case, rock and roll fella. Who among us can honestly say they do not partake even just a little bit from time to time?
Most of us, but do not join parties that make it their platform to frown upon such activities. There's the ...erm, rub.
:: WB 10:56 pm [link+] ::
Say It Ain't So, Padre pio
Padre Pio is everywhere in Italy. Every. Where. If he is shown to be a chubby ol' faker who liked a bit of rumpy pumpy with the ladies wll I am not sure how the nation will respond.
When I was in Italy a coupla times back, I visited an elderly aunt in hospital. She was always telling me to come sit near her cos I smoke. Lovely lass, sadly passed on now. But she had Padre Pio pics everywhere around her. And they were hospital issue. And no, we are not talking deep south.
This sorta naughty priest situation - well, it is part of life's rich tapestry in the Bel Paese. I mean, grassing out a porking priest is just like an opera, reall, eh?
But Padre Pio.
Dirmi che non e cosi.
:: WB 10:38 pm [link+] ::
Driving Rural England
He is a cat man which is just plain wrong. But James May has done well with this column.
H/T Theo Spark
:: WB 1:59 pm [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 23 October 2007 ::
Nice Work SBS
Airing a show called "Is Your House Killing You?" at 7.30 p.m AEST.
While people are watching. From in their homes.
Natch, none of the alarmist bullshit that is spewed is objectively true. It is all "may" and "potentially".
I "may" "potentially" have to set fire to the SBS one of these days.
:: WB 6:23 pm [link+] ::
:: Monday, 22 October 2007 ::
Read This and Weep...for Italy
Bloggers have to register.
In Italy.
You have to be registered to blog.
What on earth for? Why should they have to "register"? If stinking corrupt politicians are pissed off at being ridiculed and exposed in blogs, and feel they have been defamed or something, they can always find out about the authors by getting the ISPs to cough up the addresses etc etc. There are ways.
But registering?
It's enuff to trascinare alla disperazione, peoples. I think youse can understand.
What possible reason could there be for that? You need a bureacracy to keep track of the blogs, and who is to say what criteria are neeed to get on to the register?
This is classic Italian politics. The comrades are in charge, and they do not like it up 'em.
And the impact, well, I think we can agree she will be objectively bad.
Christ on a stick, now the Mafia is the biggest business? mean, we all knew it was big, but the frickin' biggest?
Well, what are you gonna do - just leave it in the ground? Italians are, at the DNA level, a lawless bunch. My cousin in Mestre drove me along in her crazy little car, running red lights and refusing to attach her seat belt, all the whle staring at me (which was disconcerting since we were motoring at speed) and lamenting .... how lawless Italians are!
I just had to hug her.
Still this guy was digging up 12000 pieces of stuff from the Veneto, in the B.C if you do not mind. Sheesh. Salute you, fella.
Do not get me wrong, I am still boiling with rage about the blogger thing, but hey.
:: WB 7:42 pm [link+] ::
40% of the UK's Muslim population live in London.
They make up 8.5% of London's population.
London's population is seven and half mill.
8.5% of 7.5 mill is 637,500.
Wembley Stadium seats 90000.
10000 of the 637500 Muslims who could have attended (never mind getting the train and coming from elsewhere in the UK) went to Wembley Stadium to "protest" Dthe Muslim atrocities being committed in Sudan's Darfur region.
10000 out of 90000 means Wembley was just over 10% filled. About the same as a training run for some of the bigger English football teams.
10000 out of 637500 is ... hmmm, gimme a minute...just over 1.5%.
And Gordon Brown, UK PM, videolinked himself in to that pathetic crowd.
Good show all round, eh?
:: WB 7:16 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 21 October 2007 ::
Amsterdam Riots?
Not sure how I missed all this but apparently we are up to day 6 after some Morroccan youths went berserk with the violence and the intimidation and one of them got shot by a female copper...and as a result "It's On!".
Did she not know she was not meant to dance back?
This is a lot like the MacQuarie Fields conflagration in Oz in 2005, when a young boy stole a car, and took his mates cruisin' at high speeds, attracting police attention, and then duly slammed the thing into a tree killing some of his mates. And then everyone rioted.
Natch, the fault was not the stealing boy but the coppers trying to cath him.
I know what they are thinking, these cretini, but I also know it makes no sense.
Theodore Dalrymple has written eleoquently on this inability or unwillingness of some sectors of society to ever place blame where it firmly belongs. They have the same problem as the criminal shits who never accept blame even when it has been sorely earned.
It cannot be the fault of the coppers that some shitty kid who stole a car chose not to stop. It was his choice. And I'll bet he still wakes at night hearing his passengers screaming at him to "pull over" and "stop".
And it cannot be the fault of the coppers in Amsterdam that some mad Moroccan stabbed some police before getting shot up. By a woman. I'll bet he wakes up at night ... dreaming of his beloved Allah. If ever there was a guy who needed a better class of fans, it's Ol' Allah.
:: WB 4:30 pm [link+] ::
Yes there was an Election Debate last night but...
...but I did not watch as I am a devotee of quality teevee and watching an earwax eating man blather about "working families" is not quality teevee. He eats his own earwax and this revoltingness has made it in to the press now.
There is only one kown antidote to the deadly poison of a disgusting video and that is to wash to your eyes with a real goood video.
You will all have seen it before fer sher, but here it is anyways: The Dissident Frogman on bullets v cartridges.
He is no disgraziato.
:: WB 3:42 pm [link+] ::
Ah, Hitchens.
:: WB 5:46 am [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 20 October 2007 ::
No Pizza for You, Mafia Scum
Briefly, Palermo foccacceria, in business for ever, feeds Lucky Luciano a lot when he is doing his mafioso thing in the 30s and 40s, then gets hit on in the noughties for protection money and stands up against it, hiring a lawyer with real balls, Stefano Giordano, to take the scum to court. Natch the lawyer has had death threats.
Glad to report, natch he is not backing down.
This is a Sicialian recovery story - they are still stuck with the blight of organised crime but trying hard to combat it.
Now that is a lawyer I can salute.
:: WB 5:29 pm [link+] ::
He eats his own ear wax
You cannot vote for a man to be the leader of Oz when he eats his own ear wax!
:: WB 5:16 pm [link+] ::
First you buy it, then you wait a year for a half-rebate
Just saw the insufferable Wayne Swan, putative treasurer to be, talking up the ALPs this-time-around-nanny-statism of funding half a cheap laptop but only for families.
Amemba the last election when Latham introduced his "Real Aloud Australia" idiot polic of making parents read to kids?
Well this is the same patronising nonsense, only now with laptops. I mean, you have to own the laptop a full frickin' year before the gumment kicks in any cash. And you had better keep your receipts. Cos the APL does not trust you to spend a tax cut on a laptop of other stuff for kids.
Lord how I hate rebates. It just means more work for me. First I have to work and save up for x and then I have make the effort with my receipts to actually collect the damn money. Why do they not just give it to me in the first place?
Because a Labourite just lervs bureacracy.
UPDATE: I've just seen the most soporific ad ever. About public schools. And funding them. And how Howard does not fund them.
Jesus wept, it's a State government responsibility.
Not sure how I am going to go taking this election campaign.
:: WB 4:35 pm [link+] ::
Just, for Christ's.....oh, for...urgh. Can it possibly actually happen?
How does WndRoseHotel manage to sound so sanguine about it? Must be plenty vino coursing through his veins to keep him calm.
Disperazione. I think youse get it.
:: WB 4:18 pm [link+] ::
:: Friday, 19 October 2007 ::
"It's the stupidity, economists"
Hmmmm. That Steyn. He makes you think, like.
But I do maintain the reason for "partners" rather than just plain old marriages is because of lawyers.
Bear with me here.
Lawyers, you see, love to craft new rights and one favorite is the de facto hetero sexual couple, too lazy, cheap and godless even to hire a $50 celebrant to marry 'em, getting all the same property, custody and succession (that is 'wills' if you do not already know) rights as the married folks. "Partners".
How easy is it to split up from a partner? As easy as walking out the door or as hard as you wanna make it fighting over who gets the house and the car and the kids and the art and the dog and the superannuation.
And if you have no house, kids, art etc? Well, just walk out. Your "partner" being no more important than some boyfriend or girlfriend.
Now work it out with no money but with kids.
Well, lawyers to the rescue = how about some welfare payments, eh?
And if the kids are feral = how about some complex juve justice rules, eh?
And if the kids are wogs?
Well, how about some sensitivity training for the coppers and the courts to make sure people ignore that wog thing as much as possible.
See where it goes? On and frickin' on.
Pah. Too much law. Not enough discipline.
And wile I am pondering all this, how about this: I have always maintained there should be a wog defence in family court cases. You know, where the do nothing trophy wife tries to get her hands on half of the millions made by husband, working in the family business or starting from scratch. See, skippy trophy wives get half cos, even though they do nothing, they really do arrange dinners and support hubby while he makes the millions for the family. Well, maybe a bit. Calling the caterers and such. But your wog trophy wives, while being infinitely better looking than the skips, do no such supporting. Their job is quite specificaly not to offer any support or get any ways involved with hubby. It is simply to breed and look gorgeous. I have seen this happen and it is a damn shame that when that marriage falls over(and it is always a marriage - we are dealing with wogs here, and it always falls over for infidelity....wogs, natch) no lawyer has run that argument in court.
Cos of course to do that would be breaking another law about never actually seeing wogs or noticing wog behaviour. Colour-blind, culture-blind. My arse.
And doubleplus it would be breaking the law that says women are weak weak weak.
Now, I am not addressing, here, real partners, real de factors and marrieds who do share life and work and who bust up cos they need to. I am just thinking to the end of a very squiggly line started by Steyn who thinks a lot about population. Me, I think about what it takes to ... make a population, know what I mean?
:: WB 4:33 pm [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 16 October 2007 ::
Well Done, Annabell
That's Annabell Kiddybody, writing with some wit. Noice.
:: WB 4:47 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 14 October 2007 ::
Hmmm, Interesting
Lotsa voters filling in the Wog-narrated Vote-a-Matic, and coming up trumps for Lib/Nats.
Suits me.
:: WB 3:32 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 7 October 2007 ::
Norm Nails It.
:: WB 7:01 am [link+] ::
What Would Whitlam Do?
Robert Manne on the telly this past week addressing an assertion made by Paul Kelly, of The Australian that public intellectuals in Oz are up themselves and idiots with HDS = Howard Derangement Syndrome.
Way to counter the assertion, Bob:
There is massive discontinuity in the area of what I would call culture, in the area of let's say, foreign policy, in the area of multiculturalism, the question of industrial relations and Indigenous policy, in the question of new things like the war on terror and the question of global warming. These massive public issues, the Howard Government has - and we have to take them one by one - has not been continuous with the tradition of Australia since Whitlam but discontinuous in the cultural area.
This is where the serious debate lies. If we take global warming, I think the Government has been disastrous because it has worked with the Americans against the only way the crisis can be handled, which is by international unity and by coming together to work together, the idea of voluntary solution, each country making its own decisions.
These are the kinds of issues I think the Government, the Howard Government, and we are all trying to second-guess, history will be found to have failed disastrously.
Yeah? You see it?
He's such a lemon lipped turd of a thinker, let us paraphrase to get to what he really means, this 'deep thinker' this 'public intellectual':
I like Whitlam. He's my friend. I like him and his wife. I like him. And he likes me. Things now aren't like when Whitlam, my love, was the Emperor.....oops, better say something that is not mired 40 fucken years back.....um, war on terror, global warming. Oh, and America sux.
Jesus wept.
And tonight there was Manne again prattling his utterly incompetent world view, on the other taxpayer funded broadcaster (no bullseye link I am afraid) natch:
Pria speaks to Robert Manne about the erosion of democracy in this country, and the stifling of information which results from the media duopoly.
I am sorry. Just had to spit up at that. The "media duopoly" has never been so irrelevant in Oz. I am on the internet. A lot of Oz is. My daily media intake consists of Oz online media, American online media, British online media, Italian online media and blogs.
We are all voting. There is no 'erosion of democracy'. Manne, like most muddle headed oldies, thinks criticism and being ignored amounts to an erosion of democracy.
When he drives around I expect he thinks the sun is following him.
SBS, being the tv wogshop in Oz, goes further than the skips at the ABC, as wogs are natrually given to conspiracy theories.
So, we get:
Governor General Major-General Michael Jeffrey admits that there is a "fraying around the edges" of democracy in Australia.
"Admits"? Puhlease.
And this:
Pria observes that democratic debate is being suffocated due to the current government silencing dissenting voices like the ABC.
"Observes"? Observes, as if it is a given? Observes what? Observes no one gives enough of a damn to do anything about him. That is what.
It is this paucity of thinking by folks all over the media, like Manne and who think like Manne, I presume, that Paul Kelly was trying to capture last week. Not online yet, I don't think. Try here in due course. But Kelly is simply too polite.
We are dealing with retards here.
And the problem is worse than Kelly suggests, because retards attract retards, as if they recognise a shininess in one another. And plus it's intergenerational. To whit, I happened to be reading "Lawyers Weekly".....yes, well, moving on, it is a work thing....and the editorial is written by a young lass.
A young lass with shit for brains.
In the name of this democracy that [Ruddock] says we have, people should be able to speak out and discuss topics without members of the government criticising them for it."
First she thinks Oz is not a democracy, i.e "says we have". I mean, gi fa.
Second, she thinks elected members of parliament should themselves be quite silent and should decline to engage with those members of the electorate, like her, who criticise the government. I mean, seriously. The people we elect to lead the country, and to explain themselves and justify themselves all the time because we elected them. Them. Those folks. They have to shut up so the wanker retards can talk up a bullshit storm, listening to one another and feeling great about the echo.
Get. Far. Away.
Natch, they never will. The prattling will continue. Cos why?
Cos they got HDS. A dread rash of the brain preventing synapses from connecting after 1975 or while any Liberal government is in power.
:: WB 5:16 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 9 September 2007 ::
Vale Pavi
This wonderfullyvoiced fellow has been a goodly part of my life for as long as I can remember. His passing is awfully like losing a member of the family. The sound of him, however, will not fade into the past. Which is as it should be for one who sounded like him.
Missing him already.
He came from Modena which is an absotively sensational town with a spectacular cathedral and Enzo Ferrari's house too. A quality part of the world.
Opera Chick has all the details. Hit the link at left and scroll.
:: WB 2:43 am [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 28 August 2007 ::
RothkoRed Moon
Zoomzoom in - it's spooky lovely.
:: WB 4:44 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 28 May 2007 ::
:: WB 4:12 am [link+] ::
On Australian Story tonight Noel Pearson, melifluous voiced tubby 40something (?) former supadoopa commercial lawyer, Aboriginal man from the Cape York bit of Oz - which is the pointypointy bit up the top of the right hand side - was profiled.
With his brother.
And those tubby boys stuck it to some enviros something beautiful. Cos the enviros went and declared 6 rivers 'wild' and declared Abos welcome to use the water cultural needs and maybe some tourism, but not for any purpose that is in any way modern and sensible. Seriously, the enviros are such racist zealots that they would rather the Abos lived like they did 40000 years ago. God forbid an Aboriginal family or community should decide to, oh, orunno, grow some crops someplace and irrigate it, eh? Or maybe set up some other business there nearby the water, yeah? The local Abos were even consulted about the whole 'fence off the land' enviro blather. According to the enviros, all that matters is making sure tha Abos can spear fish. I mean, that is all they want to do all day, right? I mean, just like every Italian dreams of nothing more than opening a pizza shop, right?
Man, oh man. I do feel for the Aboriginals of the world like Pearson who see everything that him and folks like him can be. He knows where he comes from and he does not forget it and he knows what modernity it and he knows he is not genetically allergic to it.
Shame there is a bunch of whiteys who do not think the same way. And fer sher they are whiteys. Cos wogs, as a general rule, do not give a stuff. Which in its way is the much more generous attitude, cos at least it does not think th worst of people.
UPDATE: Listen to the man. He is making real sense.
:: WB 3:30 am [link+] ::
:: Thursday, 24 May 2007 ::
What started as a fascinating show all about what oil is and how it got discovered duly descended into the usual alarmist rubbish that makes me want to jump in my car, gun the motor and drive it round to Tim Flannery's house and leave it idling there for hours and hours.
Some insufferable wanker UK boffin thinks that maybe lots of CO2 the oceans will die, clogged with hydrochloric acid or some such awfulness. Because of the gorbal woaming. Just like the dinosaurs. Only worse...because the gorbal woaming in the dinosaurs time happened because of volcanic eruptions whereas gorbal woaming now is happening because people like cars and flying and plastic and pills and oh, isn't it awful.
What is it with this persistent hysteria about the climate? Why do greenies hate individual liberty and modernity so much? After the Crude show there was a Catalyst episode that was so stupid it is hard to describe, two idiot women from Melbourne got their neighbours together to sit in the sand and spell out "Halt Climate Change Now!".
By which they actually mean - everybody else do whatever the climate change zealots like Tim Flannery say you have to do but me, I am going to sit here in Melbourne in my nice waterside home with my 4 kids and my inlaws who have flown out here from the UK, cos I am into empty gestures and pretending to be green.
The Lateline had Tim Flannery, wanker extraordinaire, on, his very good self, naturally sneering about the ABC's proposal to screen 'The Great Global Warning Swindle' documentary. And, being the ABC, they have to discredit the show as much as possible and they get on rolled gold cretin George Monbiot, a man who is startled by the sunrise and startled by the sunset...on account of how sun is warm. Aieeee.
Natch, Flanners refers to the IPCC report as if it was just flawless and fabulous and natch, Tony Jones fails completely to question or challenge Flanners in any way shape or form. He really is a woolly headed waste of space. Sigh.
Why is the ABC such a joke?
:: WB 5:51 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 21 May 2007 ::
Monica Attard of Media Watch does some sensational standup tonight (wait for transcript) without even meaning to.
So, the joke goes like this:
A bunch of journos from commercial teevee and radio go into Iraq from Oz news stations, right?
And they talk and embed with some Oz soldiers, yeah? And the soldiers are all, like, totally comfortable with their mission and real proud of what they're doing. And they want to stay in Iraq and help make the place better.
Anyhoo, the ABC wanted to embed in Iraq too, you know with their credentials as real journalists and all, but they...oh man, my sides, they got bumped in favour of Ralph magazine.
A lads mag of tits and arse, and beer and some more arse.
Ha ha ha ha, the look on Attard's lemonlipped mug was absolutely priceless.
Hats off, Mons, you are one funny lady.
I mean, Ralph magazine!
UPDATE: An Iraqi who says the same thing a Oz soldiers. O. Mi. Go, eh, Mons?
:: WB 4:40 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 20 May 2007 ::
Have not been moved to blog much these past months, but right now on "our" ABC is a show so stupid, so up itself, it makes Bastard Boys look like the frickin' Godfather Trilogy.
It is the brainchild of Richard Dawkins a teevee show called Root of all Evil? with his hand on his cock and a convenient question mark at the end his loathing statement about faith.
Natch, he opens with an attack on Roman Catholics, slagging the Pope for not saying "youse should all fuck a lot just be sure to wear a condom."
....how much of a spazz and idiot do you have to be to have in your tiny mind that the Pope should encourage profligate fucking. I mean, The Pope.
The Pope, fer Chrissakes!
Anyhoo, I digress.
So, natch orf goes intrepid Dawkins to Colorado Springs in the US to talk to some big toothed white pastor about how clever he is (Dawkins) and how evolution is best and how evolution is not being taught enough in Colorado Springs schools....or something.
Not a Black Baptist church in sight of course. Cos Reverend BigBlackGuy likely deliver a whooopin' on ol' Dick Dawkins's ass, don't you know.
And if there is one characteristic of the insufferably vain thinker who is an atheist too, it is that they always attack folks who will never ever hurt them. Piss Christ, Dung Mary etc etc.
Only ever the ones that will not hurt.
Back to the show, though, after the big toothed white Yank preacher we get a brief discussion of NY, London, Madrid (natch, our Richard forgets Pennsylvania and Sharm-el-Sheik and Riyad - remarkably sloppy for a scientist isn't he?. Pah.)a mealy mouthed ref to Muslims hatred of reason and then we're orf to Jerusalem for some mockery of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch.
What pisses me off a heap about this idiot is his repeated statement "in my naivety" and "I just want to understand" as if he has no loathing for the subjects.
Richard Dawkins is another in a long line of intellectuals who think their dicks and brains are bigger than anyone else's and who either pity or straight up hate people who think differently to them.
He has found one Muslim to talk to, who is a raging nutbag...and get this, I can hardly stop laughing, the Muslims is an ex-Jew from NY! Way to go Dickyboy. you really nailed Jerusalem's problems with that interview.
Money down this wanker will not be making it to Saudi to talk to any genuine mufti madman about how they will not any kuffar in to see the meteorite inside the Mecca rock.
And natch, Dawkins is a bicycle rider.
I'll wager he thinks he's closer to God than anyone else - not that he would ever call it that - so much smarter, so much kinder, so much more loving or at least so much less hatey.
He hates. He hates with the spittlemouthed hatred of every religious loon that ever was and will be. And he hates history too - we have just had the boring atheist trope about belief in faeries and unicorns and Aphrodite and Thor, as if any of those things ever came close to being the genesis (oooh, look a religious concept, run for the hills, i must be a wog redneck) for brilliant art, architecture and engineering, and literature in the way that Christianity has been.
How is it possible to not appreciate even a little bit the miracle - oops, religious language again, bad unintellectual Wog - of regliosu devotion as exercised by Christian Europe and mostly Renaissance Italy?
Another of Dawkins's stage tricks is his pathetic straw man - 'reason is under attack' arguments. Pathetic. The only unreasonable thing I heard on the whole show was Dawkins suggesting the Pope should spruik for more fucking but with condoms.
That's just nutbag crazy.
Ahhh, why does it exercise me so? Because I know a bunch of atheists. Common characteristic, vanity. When they get to thinking that somewhere, someone is having a bit faith and maybe even hapyclapping and enjoying it, well, good heavens, we cannot have that, eh? It's always Giant Mind Atheist to the "rescue" to bring everybody down.
I mean, really, how can they even appreciate music? There is no 'reason' for music. None at all. But my oh my how it heals the spirit.
The spirit.
Which we all have.
Cos God gave it to us.
Out doodles. Not sure if this sudden burst of bloggy energy is likely to be kept up.
UPDATE: Part 2 of the show aired Sundey 27 May. 10 minutes of slagging Jews and the rest slagging Christianity. Oh yeah, Richard Dawkins has balls of steel, going after the only religions who will never ever hurt him. It was breathtaking in its narrowness and its fear and lathing of religious folks who just get along. he talked to a woman who had been a member of a cult. A cult, fer chrissakes. How many of us have ever been subjected to that sort of abuse? Not many - but old Dickie Dawkins, with his "scientist" hat on natch is sloppy and lazy extrapolating out his wazoo about how every one of faith is a victim of a cult.
Honestly, it would be perfect for Dawkins to pen a new book: it could be called "I, a Scientist" and the cover art could be him, sitting lazily on a chair with his hand firmly on his cock. After all, what is the point of wandering the planet and slagging what other folks believe? Really, what is the point? I mean, does he imagine people with some kind of faith in their lives do not find it challenged all the time? Do not ask themselves questions all the time?
Honestly, how deranged with hate do you have to be to think that other people cannot think?
The man is a yellow bellied ass. The day he goes marching up to a Black African Christian, Muslim, Animist or Baptist, any Muslim or a Sikh, a Hindu, one of them Haitian Voodoo folks, a Jamaican Rastafarian, basically anyone who isn't a white Christian or Jew is the day I will believe the man is actually an aethiest.
As it is, Dawkins is not an aethiest, seems to me.
He's just a cunt of a bloke.
:: WB 4:47 am [link+] ::