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:: Tuesday, 30 December 2003 ::

Felice Nuov'Anno a tutti
:: WB 4:51 pm [link+] ::
"Gratefully"? Gi fa.

Berlusconi's EU Presidency comes to an end today. And you gotta read this EU rubbish.

One-eyed? Hoo-eee. You betcha.

His 6 months are up.

He has been unsuccessful in brokering agreement on voting rights in an expanded EU (or successful in supporting the Poles and the Spaniards against the French and Germans - depends on your priorities which way you look at it).

And he has been successful in offending the Germans and introducing some much needed recollection of WWII and nationalist philosophy.

Note in the article how Berlusconi is lambasted for not being evenhanded in the Pelestinian-Isreali thingy. That's an EU position - to be evenhanded. But Silvio is President of Italy. And the Italian position is to side with the Jews. End. Of. Story. They might have killed Christ, but stickin' it to the Son Of God is as aggressive as they've ever gotten, unlike a certain other faith, practised by persons who are not Jews, if you catch my drift.

Church of the Nativity, kids. Church of the Nativity.

Gloves come off.

And notice how he's lambasted for not getting EU consensus following Iraq.


That's Silvio's fault?

It couldn't maybe the fault of the damned French and Germans and Belgies who cannot admit they played a disgusting role in that debate, motivated solely by their anti-American feeling.

God help us, eh?

Dya reckon the Fightin' Irish might get an easier ride?

I do.

:: WB 4:17 pm [link+] ::
If it's from Bologna then one can conclude two things:

Number One, whatever it is, it is delicious

Number Two, whoever made it is a anarcho-communist

:: WB 4:01 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 28 December 2003 ::

:: WB 4:12 pm [link+] ::
Oh it's not him that's won. It's his party.

Still, that's some serious wog stuff going on, to vote for his party, eh?

:: WB 4:11 pm [link+] ::
Finally Windshuttle gets precise and nails it

:: WB 4:01 pm [link+] ::
Fabulist continues to slander country

Tony Kevin is continuing to slander Oz as being ultimately responsible for the deaths of all those poor bastards willingly sardined onto a lousy boat in Indonesia that sank on its way to Oz. He insists that Oz folks were engaged in training Indonesians in 'disruption' activities - by which he means Oz folks taught ignorant Indonesians, with no knowledge of searafaring (cos they're just little wogs, how could they know how to knobble boats?) to knobble the boat so it would sink - and he insists that Oz folks willfully looked the other way while it did sink so there would be no rescue of drowining folks.

That is Tony Kevin's thesis.

Oz folks made little Indonesian wogs knobble the boat and Oz folks deliberately left the poor bastards who'd paid to get on the (unknown to them) knobbled boat to die in the waters between Indonesia and Oz.

The Oz govt stinks, is Tony Kevin's thesis.

Not the Egyptian prick who organised it all.

Not the Indonesians who Kevin thinks actually did the knobbling of the boat.

And the certainly not the poor bastards who should never have boarded the freakin' boat to start with - just Oz.

See, Tony Kevin is like David Marr and like Marian Wilkinson and Robert Manne and Phillip Adams and Alison Broinowski and Carmen Lawrence and Julian Burnside SMD et al - they only give a shit about skippies.

Wogs simply do not feature on their collective radar. Wogs feature simply as a glump of humanity on the ground that needs their help.

"Hi Ho Silver, Away" that is the rallying cry of Tony Kevin. Or more aptly, "There, there woggys, leave everything to me."

He is a fabulist, as Prof Bunyip calls him.

He has not saved a single life, he as not thwarted a single people smuggler from coming to Oz, he has not lifted even his voice to stave off the shitful lies that are peddled by Indonesia and the people smugglers to the wilfully ignorant-illegal entry-to-Oz clientele.

But he ponces 'round like he's saving Oz from a terrible stink.

'This is Oz's Voyager.' God help us.

It is Tony Kevin's windmill.

:: WB 3:43 pm [link+] ::
How thick is Bill Moyers?
:: WB 3:26 pm [link+] ::
Thoughtful stuff from a guy called Phil.

:: WB 3:11 am [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 27 December 2003 ::
Impenetrable and unscaleable walls of Wogness

Seriously, how can you deal with rubbish like that? 'No aid from you, you Jew'. But they'll gratefully take aid from Oz, and we are not exactly supportive of governments that cannot seem to separate themselves from religion, particularly the Islamic religion. Oz is not exactly Persian-centric in its views of the world, know wha' I mean?

Uberwogs. I'm telling ya.

For more on how damned difficult it is dealing with Arabs - Uberwogs too - read this and weep. It is very long, from Foreign Affairs, and it is all about Saudi.


In Iran, this has been hit hard.

Because it is made of mud. And it is on a seismic line.



:: WB 4:21 pm [link+] ::

Okay, that's enough with the Bellinis and the pasta and the cheese and the Bellinis.

And enough with the blues over first Xmas without Gino.


On to more regular things.

Like this top post at Harry's Place.

And this top Hitchen's post.

And this perfectly written piece by Tim Blair.

And here's some stoopid topiary.

Sadly, lots has gone on over the past few days, none of it blogged on by little me. Badness in Baghdad, explosive malice aforethought in Israel, awful, brutal nature in Iran, less awful but still brutal nature in California, the silence of the Beagle, the downed plane bound for the Lebanon, SARS again, mad cow Stateside, and the second attempt on Mushareff's life.

Enough to make you weep.

Well, that's my excuse. Back at it soon. But for the wog vision, I bin reading that new book Molvania, by the boys from The Panel. I think it's an affectionate pisstake of all things woggy and daggy. And so I declare it a good read, worth a visit to the site.

Not that it has made me smile, you understand.


How, I ask you, can one smile when one actually comes from a zone of the world that actually has Traditional Dress? One cannot. One simply recognises all the crap in one's culture and moves on.

Hope Christmas cheer was had by all. Looking forward to NYE.

:: WB 1:49 am [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 23 December 2003 ::
Buon Natale? Bravo Natale!

Top story.

Now, I am fully aware that the paucity of bloggage here lately has left you people weak.

In the coming days, which I propose to name the "10 days of Wog", I will rectify the problem.

But for now, I gottanother half a panettone to eat (hard work but it has to be done) and then I gotta do some errands. For today, "Wog in the Kitchen" day, I need to get:
Succo di pesca
Penne Rigate
Pino Grigio
and Lucky Strike cigarettes.

Later doodles.

UPDATE: Totally forgot the aglio. P'uh. Anyways, look at this - top camel. And this - top bear.

:: WB 4:06 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 21 December 2003 ::
Rageh Omar is on the BBC teevee right now explaining his work during the Iraq conflict.

Now he is criticising the West's amusement at Comical Ali.


He has just shown footage of him, Rageh, asking Ali this: 'Rageh Omar BBC. There is a battle raging less than a mile away. How do you feel about this?'

How do you feel? Naturally Comical Ali sounded an idiot, in response to a question like that. But that's not something viewers like me in the West need to feel guilty about. That's something Rageh might like to think about.

:: WB 12:38 pm [link+] ::
When a man flees to Venezuela, you know that something about his life is just not right.

:: WB 12:32 pm [link+] ::
Gaddafi wants in

In to a non-sanction, more open trading, vaguely free passage, non-Arab League type life for his country.

Amemba this?

He has wanted in for a long time. And he has moved his position, from handing over the Lockerbie bombers, and paying out compensation to the families of victims of that bombing, to now gazzumping Iran in the nucelar stakes by agreeing to dismantle whatever he's got a la Sth Africa back in the, was it the '80's? I think it was the 80's. Whatever.

This is an objectively good thing, no matter what scheming ol' Muammar is up to. And it is a direct consequence of the colaition's actions in Iraq.

It is an end. Can it be justified by the means?

You bet.

:: WB 12:28 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 14 December 2003 ::
Ladies and gentlemen. We got 'im.

UPDATE: Just seen the footage from the medical examination. Bearded. Long hair. They gave him a haircut and shave, preserving the mustache. He's been livin' on the run. They found him in a kind of hole, with a exhaust fan allowing him to stay safe underground and breathing. God.

:: WB 4:14 am [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 6 December 2003 ::
Goodness me.

I have just seen Dem Bartlett do a press fronting, standing up against a fence, hanging on to a snivelling kid and saying something like 'personal health problems are not for discussing in public'.

I guess he means alcoholism.

Whatever. Lesson - do not pilfer grog off of uptight skips. And do not beat women, even if they are uptight skips.

:: WB 10:36 pm [link+] ::
Hardliner? Wha'?

I just caught a snippet of BBC world all about the CHOGM business about Mugabe and his madness. And the talking head said something like: There is real difference of opinion over whether or not Zimbabwe's Mugabe should make changes to his leadership in order to stay in the Commonwealth, with hardliners insisting on change.

Cross to an interview with John Howard?

What is hardline about suggesting that the consensus at CHOGM might like to consider telling Mugabe to shape up?

See, what is effectively what is going on here is that a bunch of wogs are circling to protect a mad wog, even though they know full well he's got a couple o' 'roo's loose in the top paddock.

And the skippies are standing round trying not to be insensitive.

The wogs are black Africans and the skippies are the folks who are not black, and some of them are even English who used to be colonialist rulers of the black Africans.

Come on. Stop with the kid gloves.

Mugabe's mad. He's not sensitive.

With any luck he'll withdraw from the Commonwealth, and his country will keep on sliding. And then we'll all be able to say, freely without fussing over feelings, that his black African nation is a basketcase because of his black African leadership.

Then we can get past race and start talking policy.

Which is where we ought to be right now, 'cept racists like Mugabe won't let it happen.

:: WB 9:34 pm [link+] ::
Turkeygate Rubbish

Gweilo Diaries captures the objective truth.

:: WB 9:17 pm [link+] ::
A Motherlode of Goodness

Who knew there was Head Heeb?

And how good does Mahmood sound?

And this Hoder on Iran is pretty fab.

But I do ask, how can anyone not love The Trap'?

:: WB 4:50 am [link+] ::
New bid to ban trade in cat and dog fur

Who dares trade in labrador pelts?

:: WB 4:25 am [link+] ::
Chirac says veils are aggressive

And this Wog agrees with Chirac and abunch of babe French girlies.

Veils are too much.

Too much.

They are not just hair covers. They are head and neck and shoulder covers. They are ugly, no matter how fancy or colourful. They pronounce loudly that the wearer believes herself to be more chaste and therefore a better person than any woman wandering by who is not wearing a veil.

Which would be little me.

Or they pronounce that somewhere there's a bloke who'll beat that woman if she doesn't have a veil on.

Now, check this out. An analysis of why it is Western and feminist to let Muslim women wear the veil and why it is bad to ban the wearing of the veil. And check the comments.

There are some gymnastics at work here, to reason that veils are okay.

They are not just demure dress. They are not like demure crucifix necklaces or discrete Irish rings.

They are more like nuns' habits.

Uniforms for nuns.


A uniform is not a matter of choice. As this article shows.

:: WB 4:22 am [link+] ::
Camus, eh?

A top post from the Beeman. Long and worth it.

On the day when crime dons the apparel of innocence - through a curious transposition peculiar to our times -- it is innocence that is called upon to justify itself. The Rebel (1951)

Camus. Who'da thunk any sense would ever have come from the pen of the bloke who wrote The Stranger about a bloke who has no feeling for anything or anyone and who kills an Arab on a beach. For nothing. Except he of course starts to shit himself when he comes time to get executed for his pointless existential crime.

Lordy, how much I hated that book, what it described, its author, and the whole reading of it experience.

Seems Ol' Albert might be worth a second look.

Good stuff. I like to learn.

:: WB 3:53 am [link+] ::
Travel Tips

From a great hunk o' spunk, as Kath would say.

:: WB 3:40 am [link+] ::
Read this.

Either P.J. O'Rourke or Mike Royko once wrote a piece on how we ought to name sports teams after their city or state's most prominent ethnic groups. So you'd have the San Antonio Spicks and the New York Jewboys and the Atlanta Niggers and the Boston Micks and the Milwaukee Polacks and the New Joisey Wops and the Dallas Trailer Trash. You could have the Los Angeles Entire Third World. Or maybe the Los Angeles Japs, in honor of both kinds. But what would you call the San Francisco team?

Got your interest, right?

:: WB 3:35 am [link+] ::

+++ Al Guardian chimes in with their usual idiocy:

With Silvio Berlusconi tightening his grip on Italian TV, Franco's Spain was more libertarian than today's Italy


Oh please, magic Guardian genie, do take me back in time to Franco's Spain, so I can get tortured and deported, instead of getting bored by endless debates on censorship by people appearing everywhere to claim they're being censored! Oh please let me end up in a torture cell under Franco's fascist regime rather than read another Guardian article about Berlusconi's Italy, Bush's America, or - gasp - Sharon's Israel. (No wonder she left).

In a way, though, I do hope they keep this up. It's so hysterical it cannot but backfire.

A top series of posts called "Regime".

:: WB 3:28 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 1 December 2003 ::
"...story of remnants of decency pushing up through the rubble of the Howard years"

This is Bernard Zuel in the Sydney Morning Herald's TV Guide about the unwatchable shite called 'Marking Time' - you remember that D-grade blurt penned by John Doyle and blogged on here before.

Remnants of colonialist racism who pick their wogs according to whether or not they are kneeling ready to receive some caring skippy dick into their grateful gaping maws.

Bernard Zuel. Possibly a wog.

Definitely a jackass.

:: WB 1:49 pm [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 29 November 2003 ::

:: WB 5:51 pm [link+] ::
Recommended Reading:

Julie Burchill's splendidly ascerbic goodbye to The Grauniad

A left-wing Bush-hater alleges Bush's Thanksgiving Dinner with troops in Iraq took place at breakfast time and not at dinner time at all - and he is wrong. Jackass, how embarrassment.

Very anti-American blogger from Iraq about Eid and Bush's visit to the troops.

Pro-American (not without criticism) blogger from Iraq about Bush's visit to the troops.

Wha'? Palestinian Human Rights Group?

:: WB 5:47 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 16 November 2003 ::
Blogging off for a couple of weeks

The pointless blast that killed Italians and Iraqis has pretty much tipped me right over the edge.

Yes, Italians matter to me more than others. G'uh. I am Italian.

Australians matter to me more too. Bali matters a lot to me. G'uh. I am Australian.

And this sounds to me about right:

Al-Qaeda has certainly reached out its long arm recently in this bloody Ramadan, what with the bombing in Istanbul, the attack on Italian headquarters in Iraq, and the attack in Riyadh. I'd like to ask antiwar folks this question: don't you think we should be fighting these guys who are going around sowing terror and hate? Or should we bail out now, leave Iraq in the lurch, let Saddam take over again, and then deal with the consequences of a tremendous loss of American credibility? That's what we've got for choices, guys, and you know in your hearts that somebody's got to stomp terrorist gangs and rogue states right now before they do another Istanbul or Riyadh or 9-11. I hate to have to say this because some of our people are going to get killed fighting the enemy. And some more innocent Iraqis are going to get killed in the crossfire. All I can say is I wish that weren't true. But, it's tragic to say, their deaths now will save maybe millions in the future if this actually winds up working, with a democratic and peaceful and stable Iraq as the beacon for the rest of the Middle East.

Cose Turche has quality coverage and so do other Italian bloggers. Hit links at left.

Here in Oz everything is as usual. The left wing has its head firmly up its arse. That goes for its journalists too, who are universally incompetent at reporting and who sadly fill the Fairfax pages, and on the topic of unauthorised arrivals, the Aus too.

They think standing on a boat yelling 'refugee' is some sort of valid application for asylum. Simple minded. Let's take it to it's conclusion then, shall we?

What does NOT yelling 'refugee' mean? Having fled persecution in Turkey and landed away from persecution in Indonesia, what does it mean not to seek asylum?

Does it mean you do not need it? I guess it must do, by the left's own definition. Cos if you needed asylum, well, you'd need it everywhere, right? And you'd say so, right? Until the persecution risk had ceased, right? And by definition to not seek refuge means you are safe.

So, 14 Turk blokes saying 'refugee' in friggin' Martin Place, Sydney, having not said 'refugee' anywhere between Turkey and Oz, ie not said it in Indonesia at least, must have cut their own trail of persecution into pieces.

They must, by definition, no longer be persecuted and in need of refuge. Their applications likely to fail.

See, that is what the left does. It suffocates wogs by the left's own forceful patronising idiocy. Someone should have told these wogs to seek refuge in Indonesia first, get turned down (as they would be cos the Indonesians do not play the compassion game.....Timor....) and THEN and only then seek refuge in Oz.

If they cut their own trail of persecution, is it any wonder Oz citizenry looks at 14 Turks as just 14 blokes demanding something from us that they have no right to get? That they are just after nice Oz life? Everyone knows and understands viscerally that that is what these 14 blokes were after. And natch they want it - it is great.

But painting it as some flight from persecution and need for asylum, for refuge, is tactically appalling. It is a position supported by Greens and by soft-in-the-head compassion junkies who never met a wog they didn't like to think of as needy.

14 Turks turned away. Thanks very much Carmen Lawrence. How does it feel to be such a user?

See you when I calm down about the jackasses who killed the carabinieri. What the fuck for, eh? For nothing.


:: WB 2:52 am [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 11 November 2003 ::
Top Post on Arafat and His Stinking Venal Criminality that Keeps His People in Despair

:: WB 2:28 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 10 November 2003 ::
Lame and maybe even not on the money.

But sooo very Sun.

:: WB 2:56 am [link+] ::
Marking Time [, M, PIC: Frequent coarse language, drug use and adult themes]

Hal's relationship with Randa is becoming more intimate. He decides it's time to introduce her to the Brackley crowd. September 11 has a profound effect on the town. CAST: Abe Forsythe, Elena Carapetis, Bojana Novakovic

Ha ha ha ha ha ha..........ahhh...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA!.....ahhhhh.



This is the funniest bullshit Oz artz experience you will ever see all year. I totally tell you.

It is incredible.

"Do you have Santa?"

"No, we have Ramadan. A spiritual time, of fasting."

[Uncomfortable silence]

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ahhhh.

And the only wog they could find to play the Afghani girl ... is a Serb

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ..... HA!


Wogs are all purpose in the ABC World.

And Sept 11 is no big deal either. The Americans deserved it, don'tcha know, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a redneck warmonger drunken yob or rightwing tightarsed horror. And liberated nations well, they hardly count now, do they?

God help us. Our tax dollars peddling PC rubbish that would make a Greenie weep. But no thinking person.

At the outset, the town and the country are intoxicated with the spirit of the Olympics, and the Centenary of Federation. Hal gets his licence, first car, the right to drink, the right to vote, and falls in love with Randa, a young Afghani refugee. But there is a shifting of consciousness in the town and the nation about refugees, border protection and their place in the world. Hal's heart is broken when he realises that his town is one in which he no longer belongs. MARKING TIME is the coming of age of a boy and a nation.

How about:
MARKING TIME is the coming of age of an insufferably patronising wanker who likes a bit of Muslim gash.

Too crude?

I know.

Ha ha ha ha ha ....HA!

The Aghan dad is played by a Polish man.

And he does a good job too, as does the girlie, with an appallingly juvenile script.

One more time for the hard of thinking. Secure borders is good. Temporary Visas are good. And temporary. Refugee status can change depending on what's goin' on back at the place you fled from to begin with. And country Australia is not an embarrassing hicksville of dags and yobs.

There are plenty of wogs there.

And some of them, brace yourselves Greenies, are not here as refugees.

Christ almighty. The lack of nuance is worthy of a Robert Manne, Phillip Adams, Margaret Pomeranz, John Howard (the Good One), Judy Davis etc etc.

Election Day. There's no doubt how this electorate is gonna go. I've no choice but to vote for the Greenies.

Gi fa.

Oh, and the car the teen boy lead buys? His first car?

A Mazda 121.


:: WB 2:08 am [link+] ::
SMH Runs Maureen Dowd today.

Nah, I'm not gonna link it. You think I'm nuts?

Here's Sullivan's reaction.

I'm with Sully.

:: WB 1:37 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 9 November 2003 ::
Added some Iraqis to the links left.

:: WB 2:30 am [link+] ::
Hey. Amemba that Palestinian stuff in Rafah with the tunnels and the Israeli incursion and the flattening of homes and the homelessness?

Posted on it back in Mid-Rocktober.

Thought I'd just do a quick newsnow check. Found this Christian Science Monitor piece:

The Rafah Governorate says Israel has completely demolished more than 1,200 houses, including 266 in this month's incursion. Israel's tally for this month is closer to 45, the officer says. "Wherever we found a tunnel, the house was demolished. Every house that was involved in shooting against the forces was demolished."

And the tunnels are run by mafia apparently.

Keeping an eye on it.

:: WB 2:24 am [link+] ::
A Fisk of Bush's Speech

For not being all it could be.

Fair point of view. And terrific writing.

:: WB 2:01 am [link+] ::
14 Turks on a Boat

25 words or less - people smugglers paddle 14 wogs on a boat all the way from Indonesia to Melville Island where, just before landing, or having landed or something, the boat is got by 3 Oz naval vessels, big ones I think or maybe not, whatever, and towed or escorted back to Indonesia.


Not over here.

Notice how little the boat was? Like a change of tack is going on at people smuggling Indonesia HQ, like "Hmmm. The big boats with the sinking is not working for our business. Let's try to adapt to the market difficulties we face, which is that our destination market has rather loudly stated it does not want to play. Let's get a little boat through and then can advertise that success and build up our profile again and get more business."

Cos it is a business.

A stinking illegal business built on lies told to 14 Turks about how they can get 'em into Oz.

Nice try. The Minsiter, she is chubby. But she moved like greased lightning to get Melville out of Migration Zone.

I am sounding like a wog booster for stopping wogs into the country, eh? A perverse wog-hating wog.


Have a look at the other way of looking at this fact situation (and there is only one other way and that is Labor's way. Cos the Green way of endless compassion for wogs is idiotic, cos it is like giving the finger to every wog who is here legitimately. A fact which the Greens will never understand because deep down, wogs for them are not people. They are hive minds with nice food. Suffocating patronising toerags, the Greens, who play favorites with wogs, and right now their favorites are Iraqis and Afghanistanis especially unauthorised arrivals. I say, if you hold yourself out as caring about wogs, you have to care about us as people, and not play favorites and not gloss over the bad stuff of which there is, natch, plenty).

Labor's Shadow Attorney-General Robert McClelland:

LAURIE OAKES: You don’t think that Australians will be pleased that these people are gone? That they didn’t land in Australia?

ROBERT MCCLELLAND: I think to be frank, in the general community that would be an issue – they would say well, that’s – that’s a good outcome. But what we’ve got to look at is the future, and in particular Amanda Vanstone has effectively said by excising the islands, the target now becomes Australia’s mainland – in this case about another two hours sailing would have got them to Darwin or its vicinity.

So what we say is, it’s no use saying you can’t protect your borders, as Amanda Vanstone has effectively said. We’re saying what you really need is a full-time dedicated coast guard to patrol the massive beat we have around our country.

LAURIE OAKES: But she’s also said there are hundreds of vessels this side ducking between Australia’s islands on ordinary business all the time. I think she said 500 sightings a month. Now how’s – how’s a coast guard going to tackle that?

ROBERT MCCLELLAND: Well, quite frankly we’ve got to. I mean, these boats could be carrying drugs; they could be carrying arms. They could be at the behest of people-smugglers. Indeed, they could be carrying terrorists. To say to a boatload look, if you’re a terrorist and you want to come into the country come in to one of the small islands to the north of Australia, because we really can’t protect it, is quite frankly surrender.

His thesis?

1. The target is now Oz because the earlier territory, the islands, is in the no-migration zone, so landing there is nice, if you want to look at birds but not if you want a new car in a nice house with a job in the second greatest country on earth. So the Indonesian people smuggley guys will chug along for 2 more hours to Oz.

The target is always Oz. With a no-migration zone or not. Nothing has changes. Oz is better than Indonesia.

2. We are admitting we cannot police the water of the no-migration zone, because if we could police it, it would not need to be a no-migration zone. We'd simply get the boats before they land....and presumably tow 'em back to Indonesia....just like...oh, nevermind.

And anyway, if the Turks get to Island one, and there is no no-migration zone in place, then they get rights. This is precisely what way majority Oz citizenry does not want to happen. No rights for getting here. Entry to Oz is not as insignificant as stealing home plate. Or tagging someone. Jeez. It is a serous business and it can and is achieved by thousands every year as refugees. Who fly in.

3. There could be guns, drugs and terrorists on some boats, so it is important not to give up on the policing of the waters and Labor will have coastguard kings to do this.

Well, a no-migration zone is not going to stop Oz citizenry expecting that the gunrunning drug running boats also do not get through. Walking and chewing gum at the same time is something we rather expect of our politicos and if they cannot do that, they do not get our votes.

McLelland is no insane Green zealot. Read the whole thing, cos I've just taken a chunk. Is he worth a vote? Nup.

:: WB 1:57 am [link+] ::
Dripping Sarcasm at the Arab News directed at the Committee for the Prevention of Fun and the Promotion of Stoning.


And check out this followup.

Reckon the 'storm of controversy' included many letters threatening to shred the man's knees for his sarcastic apostasy?

Who cares, but Jeebus, eh? The whole problem is in the date, right?

14 Ramadan 1424.

:: WB 1:22 am [link+] ::
Long but interesting transcript - Johann Hari v George Galloway.


George Galloway.

It got me to thinking.

I am pro-democracy now. I never used to give a damn about anywhere on earth except my car, my kitchen and my bedroom. The left was always around to care about that, enough for me and them both. September 11 changes that for me and Bali cements it.

Now the noisy left is isolationist, anti-American, anti-Semitic and cannot give credit that wogs everywhere might like a little liberty in their lives so they are anti-pro-democracy for Iraq and for Afghanistan and for anywhere that Blair and Bush has ever noticed.

The left used to be right. Now they are wrong.

The right used to wrong, now it is right.

You follow?

If we have really changed places, then do we not have to admit that the otherside was right about this stuff once upon a time?

I know we do not have admit any such thing. But quietly, to myself, I think I have just worked how I can have a beer with Pilger and Fisk.

Cos they used to be right. Now they are wrong as the day is long. But they used to be right?

I know when I got it together to be right about being pro-democracy.

I wonder if they know when they started to go wrong.


:: WB 1:16 am [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 1 November 2003 ::
Quality work over at Cose Turche

This link goes to a post about Islamophobia and how it is a charge used to silence criticism (skippies scroll down for English translation).

This link goes on with it, but extracts from a French feminist site.

Gotta say, I reckon this is all right. Correct. Specially that stuff about language and its twisted use.

I bin pondering this stuff a lot, cos wogs are nothing if not flowery in their use of language. That has been the deal for ever. From Virgil to Alighieri to Calvino.

But there has to be a point when you say what you mean and you mean what you say. And most importantly, the use of language is correct. And that point should be your law: constitution, legislation, regulation.

Get it right. Cos once it is right - boring, clear, precise - arguments can be had about whether it is good or bad. But you never need bother with arguments about what it actually means.

Now your Arabs are the floweriest of all in use of language. And why not? They got a tremendous tradition of poetry - from the Epic of Gilgamesh, to A Thousand and One Nights to the 'mother of all battles'.

Trouble is, that floweriness gets into the law.

So there is a need to argue about what it all means well before you can ever grapple with whether or not it is good or bad.

You gotta read the Oz constitution (brace yourselves - it is boring) and then the Iraqi constitution.

The people and their will is the dull but perfect basis for the Oz constitution.

It is not possible to tell what the basis of the Iraqi constitution is - it just seems to be a pronouncement of rights with constant qualification to laws, but no indication of the philosophy that will drive those laws.

You could drive a bus through it. And I understand Saddam did - and right up over the top of some Iraqis too.

You see, you gotta keep your law clean and clear. The language of it can be grand and stirring. But first and foremost it has to be clean and clear. Grand and stirring does not mean senseless gobbledygook about dignity and God.

Grand and stirring means what is says. "We shall never surrender". Straight up. "Peace in our time". What the fuck does that mean? Another time no peace?


You can keep your flowery stuff for the yartz.

Now, to get back to the posts, to say - criticism means phobia or veil means equality is flowery bullshit.

criticism means that you are critical - that is what it means. Get past that and we can get down to brass tacks - does the criticism make sense and is it valid.

But if you are stuck back arguing about whether or not you are actually criticising - or whether you are being phobic - then you never get to the bit about the actual criticism. The actual solving of the problem, if there is one.

Language matters.

Use is badly and you will never sort out any problems because you'll always be arguing about the meaning.

Like you don't say Stolen Generations when you cannot establish even 1 generation was stolen. You say 'forcibly removed folks'. It is correct. And it does not diminish their situation one iota.

You don't say genocide, when you cannot establish a generation has been killed. You say 'cultural connections lost over time through forcible removal (see above) and failure of the participants to bother to search out and embrace that culture.

And you don't say sorry or reconciliation when wogs have nothing to do with anything to do with Aboriginals.

That misuse of language has held up Aboriginal advancement is Oz, I reckon, for a good 10 years. Bad bad.

Now we got a bigger picture to deal with:

You don't say martyr to describe a person who kills himself in a way that kills others. You say killer.

You don't say militant to describe a person who is a killer and terroriser pure and simple. You say terrorist.

You don't say resistance to describe violent actions against a liberating force. You say violent jackasses who have nothing in common with the Partisans in Italy or the Polish and French and Hungarian Resistances in France during WWII fighting against their oppressors the Germans.

You don't say facile rubbish like 'one man's terrorist is another freedom fighter' to avoid actually calling the terrorists terrorists. You say between these two bunches of folks I pick these guys because they are less violent than those guys and less likely to kill me.

You don't call someone a moderate just because he is standing next to a man who advocates killing, but he is not actually advocating it himself. You call him a appeaser for terrorism.

You don't say that Osama Bin Laden is admirable on some level because he gave up his riches to fight his jihad rubbish as a violent terrorist. You say he is mad bad man who has to be fought.

You don't say a veil is a symbol of culture and religion. You say it is physical imposition that is applied just to women so it must be a symbol of man's culture alone. You say the veil is a symbol of oppression of women, and when women chose to wear it it is a symbol of some women imagining themselves to be more chaste and more worthy than others who do not wear the veil.

You do not say I am afraid of where this country is heading after Sept 11 with civil liberties at risk. You say I am afraid fucked in the head terrorists might kill me in this country or when I am travelling so we had better do something to prevent that.

You don't call criticism censorship.

You don't say wedge politics when you mean that party x has one position and party y has a choice whether to take another position of whether to agree. You say party y has a choice and so do people.

You don't say arselicker when you mean shared point of view and shared conclusions.

And you do not ask 'why do they hate us?' when your folks are attacked in Bali or anywhere else. You don't ask 'what can I do to stop them hating me?'. You ask who did this? And then you go get 'em and you tell you don't give a shit what they think about anything cos they are just killers.

Call it like you see it.

For the really big picture stuff. That stuff is for clarity.

That stuff is for stepping up and speaking clearly.

And before the email box gets plugged with stuff about Howard's weasel words about bulk billing or core promises or whatever. The same applies.

The flowery misleading flattering stuff - your shoes will be ready Tuesday stuff - that is fine. That is life's rich tapestry.

:: WB 5:02 pm [link+] ::
Top Interview with Carr on the Sunday show

All about the kerfuffle over Hana Ashrawi and the award of the Sydney Peace Prize to her over objections from some parts of Sydney's Jewish community.

Bottom line, Carr says the approaches to him have been unfailing polite. Simply seeking his views and his thinking as to why he would award a peace prize to Ashrawi. Bottom line, he maintains that the presence of a Palestinian should not excite folks in the way they have been excited.

But while that is nice and it is even right, and it could apply to the Greens - the persence of Bush should not lead you inevitably to undertake a very public wank in Parliament - seems to me that it misses the point.

This Palestinian is one who does not encourage peace. To having her here to get a peace prize is appalling.

Not just having her here. Carr is quite right about that. I could not care less where she is. I am unlikely to bump into her in the back bar of my local pub. She is unlikely to be invited to the Pelham Street burnouts. Any speech she gives is unlikely to take place in my own loungeroom. Ergo, the fact she is here in Oz will not excite me per se.

But the fact she is here to get given a peace prize by an elected representative when she is not peaceful will excite me - enough to blog anyway.

And enough to excite other clear thinkers on this point.

Bob Carr has his view. And it is not the end of the world that Ashrawi gets the prize. But it is a prize given in error in my view and the view of plenty of others.

Robust democracy is right.

But, really, what is the point? It is a suck up to Palestinians in a misguided drive to be even-handed over the P/I battles.

Why be even-handed?

:: WB 3:39 pm [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 28 October 2003 ::
"It's not hard to get a boat from Libya to Europe," said a young Sudanese man called Suleiman, squatting in a derelict railway shed in Rome. "Just ask a Libyan policeman."

What an awful thing.

Not that I credit Popham for getting his facts straight here. But part of it must be right. There's a lot of quotes.

:: WB 3:39 am [link+] ::
Words Fail Me.

The Pope is on the teevee every Sunday.

It is Italy.

We got a pub on every corner, they got a church! Jeebus, why have you forsaken reason in L'Aquila?

Gino would have something to say about all this, though. Something learned and objectively true, like:

"Look. You have to understand. This man is Scottish. And the Scots were the only people the Romans ever came across who they could not be bothered to conquer. They were not worth the effort. Poverino, he hates himself. And why shouldn't he? He's a Scotsman who could lose a few pounds, who converted to Islam. Poverone."

Like I said. Learned. And objectively true.

:: WB 3:13 am [link+] ::
:: Friday, 24 October 2003 ::
Wallabies. Wallabies.

Gotta watch 'em.

:: WB 9:37 pm [link+] ::
Che Virgogna

Yet another General Strike in Italy. Lordy, this is tiresome and embarrassing.

But wholly understandable.

If you've never been to Italy it is gobsmackingly gorgeous.

It is not wonder at all that bunches of folks will decide to take a day off work (and a Friday too - how convenient for a long weekend) to wonder around fabulous Italian cities enjoying the fabulous art, architecture, engineering, and culinary delights of the Bel Paese.

Heck, if I was there right now I'd be on strike too.

And I don't even have a job there.

:: WB 9:30 pm [link+] ::
7 Red Brigaders shopped....by a Red Brigader

I like it when criminals sing like canaries. Which is what Desdemona has surely done.

I printed off the Manifesto from its internet site back when it was issued, but can't seem to find it anymore. It really did rant against 'imperialist bourgeoisie'.

No really. It did.

:: WB 9:09 pm [link+] ::
:: WB 8:38 pm [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 19 October 2003 ::
Terry Lane. Priceless. If by priceless you mean .02 cents worth o' junk

This opinion piece is right up with Adams's dirge posted about below.

- everyone knows Oz is in more peril now because of our relationship under Howard with Bush, more peril than Canada, New Zealand, Costa Rica and Switzerland face, nations which do not have the same relationship with Bush.

- Muslim extremists are not motivated by envy of American success and prosperity. Instead they "hate America because of its arrogant neo-colonial, imperialist ambitions to rule the world. And also because of its unqualified support of Israel with its concomitant humiliation of its Islamic neighbours".

- Oz would be safer if it treated America with a certain wary disdain.

- since everybody knows all this, how come 70% of folks do not act by distancing themselves from the US? After all, NZ has, etc etc. And everyone knows the US does not care about Oz.

Terry Lane. A man who thinks Sept 11 were undertaken by folks who are rational. A man who thinks the best thing for Oz to do about those rational Muslim extremists (read 'islamofascist violent venal misogynist jackass thugs') is to stay the heck away from whatever they are gonna bomb next. That means America.

Bali. It happened in Oct last year. The press has been filled with anniversary material.

It happened to us way before Iraq.


Lane must therefore be saying that Oz deserved Bali because we were a sychophantic ally of the US back in 2002. Timor could not have caused Bali, or been a cause. Nooo. And them planes that went into the Sept 11 buildings and earth, they were flown by Chileans and Vietnamese furious at America's neo-colonial arrogance. Ooops. No. And we deserve more Balis while ever we are an American ally who does not behave like NZ and Costa Rica.


The man is a disgraceful man. I know it is his opinion. He can have it, but he can shove it. Cos it is not well thought out at all. It is blurted out. Does he even hear how he blames Oz for Bali. I'll bet he does not. But it is there, bald as brass (to coin a wogism).

:: WB 3:09 am [link+] ::
Blogs From Iraq.
Worth checking out regular like.

Berry berry interesting.

:: WB 2:20 am [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 18 October 2003 ::
Oh dear.

Grazie tanto to Bernard Slattery for getting the image thing up about Jan 7 1946 LIFE Magazine declaration that US was losing the peace in Europe.

If we extrapolate, perhaps Iraq can rock as hard modern Italy 20 years after war.

I am punting so. But I'll each-way it a bit, and say if Iraq doesn't rock in 20 years, that will be down to the Iraqis.

:: WB 10:18 pm [link+] ::
Nature's glory. And man's.

Sometimes it is important to take a moment to look at things that make you happy.

Not angry.


:: WB 9:52 pm [link+] ::
Jeebus Mary and Joseph, This Bush visit is getting out the loons

Matt Price and Annabelle Kiddybody on The Insiders are just appalled that security measures will be put in place around Parliament House Canberra when George Bush attends next week.

Apparently Committee rooms won't be open for business.

Except they are open for business and meetings will go ahead.

And 20 school groups will be prohibited from visiting Parliament that day.

Except they can before 1 p.m.

Oh, and there is going to be an unprecedented 'lock down' never before in the history of Oz. Except the same security arrangements are in place as for every visiting head of state, just heightened this time from Clinton's visit, for example, but only in the closing of Parliament from the Bush address.

Such a beat up by these journos. Ackerman's there and they are making him look like a voice of reason. As if he isn't partisan himself. Sheesh.

Matt Price reckons Howard went to Bali and was hugging folks, and that sort of easy security should be the deal for Bush. Oh yeah. No one wants to hurt the President. That whole burning effigy thing and flag burning stuff and violent protests everywhere with the signs and the big puppets, well they are completely non-violent, there is no violent element at all in any of that...willful idiot.

And Annabelle reckons that there should at least be some public seats available in Parliament because it's the public, you know. As if the public is wholly civilised when it comes to Bush and can be relied on to be courteous and kind. No violent idiots with a hate-Bush thing going on.

And they both reckon that it is just awful that politicians and members of the public are not going to be able to act how they like because they do disagree with Bush.

Do they both want some shouting, some back turning, some heckling, maybe some flag burning? What do they want?

Standing up and turning your back on a speaker is a selfish and impotent gesture, inarticulate except as a statement of the self-importance felt by the back-turner for his or her own world view.

Protesting by heckling, or, as Bob Brown, Green, is going to do, bringing as his guest the wife of Mamdouh the guy in Guantanamo Bay with Hicks, is gesturing only. Makes the folks feel good about themselves. Changes life not one bit because the focus is so internalised - it's all about Bob and the back-turners - nothing will come of it. Not a thing. It is, literally, a wank. Spilled seed for nothing more than the wanker's pleasure.


The Speaker was on the show pricking the hot air balloons of Price Matt and Annabelle, and he ended with a nice line on civilised behaviour and politeness:

If Bob Brown was coming into my home I wouldn't put a chainsaw into the middle of the loungeroom as some sort of protest. I would greet him courteously.

He has got it in one.

Courtesy. Civility. A Parliament that is not treated by its participants as some sort of student hall.

Tanya Plibersek, Labour, was just on saying the whole standing sitting thing is irrelevant and the issues are more important - pre-emptive strikes, dictatorship etc etc. She is quite right the issues are important. But Bush is not here to debate the issues with her. He is here to address Parliament and meet with Oz's elected leadership and GG.

Showing her backside to the US President is as articulate as Tanya will be on those crucial topics while Bush is here.

If she thinks that's addressing the issues then we know exactly how hard she works. Exactly enough to make her feel like she has moved her arse.

No actual results.

Tanya Plibersek and Bob Brown will never free Hicks or Mamdouh from Guantanamo. Too busy worrying about how they feel, to bother getting down and working for an actual outcomes.

They are, I reckon, all hat, no cattle, as they might say in Texas.

Listening politely, standing to applaude is not selling your soul. Bush is not the heart of the matter. The role of President is the heart of the matter. But as you see from Matt and Annabelle and Tanya and Bob, he is the heart of the matter.

They are none of them good at their jobs if they cannot see the difference.

And they can't see the difference.

:: WB 4:53 pm [link+] ::
Top Post on Mahathir's Speech thing

The thing about the whole speech is that Mahathir was praising Jews for their smarts, and encouraging Muslims to get smart, but the point of getting their getting smart is to advance themselves over the West, over Jews.

It is a philosophy that measures itself wholly by what others are doing. It is not a philosophy that measures itself against how good it can be ie against infinite advance.

I have a real thing about that sort of negativity. Being anti-McDonald's instead of being pro-InandOut Burger, you know what I mean? Being anti-Fast Food instead of pro-Slow Food.

That last one is a real interesting phenomenon too. Slow Food started in Italy and it has a manifesto because it is a full on left-wing society. It's manifesto is that it has been set up pecifikly to counter fast food.

Imbeciles. Commie imbeciles.

It should have been set up pecifikly to celebrate indigenous authentic season ingredients and recipes.

That is all.

And that is enough.

Instead it goes the idiot step too far and immediately presumes the badness of anything else.

Last time I looked, McDonald's was not advertising the horror of Slow Food.

Why bother? People who run McDonald's franchises know that there is money to be made in their meals, even if all people don't eat all McDonald's all the time. There's room enough in this big ol' world for money to be made even if some folks never eat McDonald's.

Not something you can credit the Slow Food folks for. They are, sadly, lemon lipped fools Casandras who cannot contemplate of a world where a Slow Food enthusiast might grab a burger and fries from time to time. Which is peculiarly insane because that's the world they actually live in.

I am living proof.


[Does it have an apostrophe? Urgh. I don't care.]

:: WB 3:53 pm [link+] ::
Adams is calling me an idiot yet again

A whole column about public cynicism, railing against the public for their lack of concern over the following:
Waterfront dispute
Tampa, children overboard, refugees,
Ruddock and Ministerial Discretion for visas
detention centers
War in Iraq

A whole column, part of which he devotes to complaining that these two uselessly one-eyed books were not taken as gospel by the whole of the Oz public:
Helen Trinca's book 'Waterfront' about...the whole Waterfront dispute
David Marr & Marian Wilkinson's "Dark Victory" about Tampa.

A whole column during which he reveals clearly that he expects the public to share his world view and that if it does not the public is at fault.

A whole column that does not once even obtusely allow for the existence of a rational world view which says of all the above:
- fat waterfront unionists needed to start working for a living like the rest of us, and the government needed to do whatever they needed to to get that happen, including Dubai forces, dogs, balaclavas and losing court actions. And they won in the end cos the waterfront works hard now, harder that it ever did before.
- wogs who pay people smugglers should not get into Oz, no matter how badly they behave and how much they threaten to hurt themselves and who ends up in the water and the Norwegians should never have turned the boat around but they did and for it we get the Pacific Solution and Nauru can make some money.
- Ruddock did not make any money out of exercising his discretion. No story.
- detention centers are only hell if you jump into the barbed wire while your lawyer is working on your case.
- SIEV-X did not happen on Oz watch. It happened on Indonesia's watch.
- no more Saddam because of Howard, Bush, Blair, Berlusconi, Aznar and Eastern Europe is a good thing.
- any book by Trinca or Marr or Wilkinson is per se a waste of time and money because their entire lives have been spent promoting a left-wing world view and that is a permanent prism through which they fabricate recent history, always always always with a view to making themselves the arbiters of good morals and all others the devil incarnate.

Adams has a written a column that could have been parsed into just this:

The ends achieved by the right-wing never justify their means. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot.

I reckon ends do justify means, when the ends are - thwarting venal criminality.

Waterfront unionists, they used to be truly the scum of Oz. They are not any more. They are waterfront workers, and they work for a living. I got no beef with them. Not now. But I sure did then, as they decided to go slow and hold up my overseas packages just for another rostered day off.

Wogs entering Oz illegally threatening mayhem if they don't get their way, they used to be the scum of Oz. They are not any more because they have stopped coming and have for the most part stopped behaving like idiots.

Saddam used to be the leader of a fucked country responsible for some of those wogs referred to above. The scum of the earth. He's not anymore. Well, not leader. That's a good thing.

:: WB 3:14 am [link+] ::
As my mother would say "Milo, give me strength"

[UPDATED: Sacha is a man. My bad.]

Read the SMH today. Lordy, it is a terrible terrible newspaper.

And the sky is blue.


But we have Mike Carlton urging Parliamentarians to drop silent but deadly farts when the US President addresses parliament next week. We have Alan Ramsey blabbing in too many words about something, you know, bad about Oz under Howard. Margo Kingston...urgh, what can anyone say? Pilger features in the magazine blurting about Afghanistan. Coverage of Asian reaction to the 'sheriff', and the American general's private religious remarks and Rumsfeld's cover of it, burial of Mahathir's jew-hating clumsiness at the Islamic States' Conference thing, death in Iraq. Failure of US to get UN voters for support to Iraq to actually give any support (as if that reflects badly on anyone other than the states who put their +ve vote, then immediately declare they won't follow through - France, Germany, Russia, Syria I am looking at you).

And a letters page with not a single +ve entry for anything to do with Bush or Iraq.

A whole paper that does not reflect my world view at all.

And a whole paper that does not even begin to make me question my world view in the way that say, Michael Totten's website does.

Right down to the teevee guide.

I mean get this, a review of a 1984 movie "Red Dawn".


About 20 years ago. Obligatory snobby reference to US then under 'gunslinging actor named Ronnie Reagan' and now, with 'risible perform(er) George W. Bush' and blah blah blah. A whole review which ends with "I reckon paranoid patriotism has never been funnier. Highly recommended." A positive review, then. But in the laughing-at-it vein.

Sacha Molitorisz, teevee reviewer for SMH, was against the war in Iraq.

Why should I find this out about him? He has a measly teevee guide and instead of getting off his fat arse to blog his own views, he publishes them.....in his teevee guide!

Why do I even care?

Because the move he picks is on at...........I cannot get over this....... it is on at.......half past midnight.

He could have done actual teevee viewers a favour a picked out a show at 8.30 p.m., like "The Scarlet Pimpernel" or the Rugby Union with freakin' SAfr v Eng bigger-than-Ben-Hur game.


See, that is the SMH in one. Go out of its way to publish one world view.

Including the world view that is bad bad bad for wogs to be noticed as the wogs they are.

That makes my blood boil. Cos wogs are not soft. They can take a criticism. Soft skippies are the only ones who reckon that wogs are soft - skippies are the only ones who actually think it is important not to mention that a wog is a wog. See this whole article on the shootings in Greenacre, right? Wogs behaving badly.

I think they are Turks. But I dunno, and the SMH will not tell me. So I guess it could be Lebs.

Hmm. The SMH probably decided that it is best for the wogs that their woginess not to be mentioned. Ahem. Ziad Abdulrazak. Oh, a fiery hotblooded feud-driven ... blue-eyed Norseman fer sher.


Instead, the SMH's editorial decision is not to report reportable facts - actually. Not to report them. Have them. But do not report them. Facts about the background of a victim including his ethnicity. And this decision is made for the most patronising toerag reasons - that it is important not to notice the woginess of wogs involved with crime cos, to do that means wogs not involved in crime will cry foul about how they are all as an ethnic group being singled out for ethnic labelling and prejudice, blah blah even though it is 100% true that 100% of the shooting in Greenacre was done by one ethnic group.

Whatever it is, we do not know cos the SMH won't tell us.

But this silence, is just leaves readers thinking hey, it's easier to just reckon alllll wogs shoot up their neighbours, then, eh?

Stupid SMH cannot think to the end of a straight line. You gotta report who dunnit and who got done - you gotta report their background. Because wogs form a part of the whole community.

But that wog part has parts too.

And for sure Calabrians are not responsible for this shooting.

.....although that is not a bet I am prepared to take across the board for all shootings.

Ahem. (Pause).

Anyhoo, the SMH sucks.
:: WB 2:37 am [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 14 October 2003 ::
Graffiti, Dumped Cars, Abuse from Truanting School Children, Abuse of Fireworks = Yob Culture

British PM Tony Blair now on the telly about new laws in Britain to curb yob culture.

Now, I do not like yobs. They do not like wogs, as a rule.

But wha'? A Britain wivout yobs? Is it possible? The Brits have always struck me as romantically attached to their yobs. Anyone who's ever watched European and World Cup soccer knows this.

Anyhoo, good excuse to recycle some great Brit Yob Poetry c/- Ian Dury and the Blockheads - 'Blockheads'

You must have seen parties of Blockheads
With blotched and lagered skin
Blockheads with food particles in their teeth
What a horrible state they're in

They've got womanly breasts under pale mauve vests
Shoes like dead pigs' noses
Cornflake packet jacket, catalogue trousers
A mouth what never closes

You must have seen Blockheads in raucous teams
Dressed up after work
Who screw their poor old Eileens
Get sloshed and go berserk

Rotary accessory watches
Hire-purchase signet rings
Of beauty to the bully boys
No lonely vestige clings

Why bother at all about Blockheads?
Why shouldn't they do as they please?
You know if it came to a brainy game
You could baffle a Blockhead with ease

How would you like one puffing and blowing in your ear-hole?
Or pissing in your swimming pool?

Bigger brained Blockheads often acquire
Black and orange cars
Premature ejaculation drivers
Their soft-top's got roll-bars

'Fill her up,' they say to Blockheads
'Go on, stick it where it hurts'
Their shapeless haircuts don't enhance
Their ghastly patterned shirts

Why bother at all about Blockheads?
Superior as you are
You're thoughtful and kind with a well-stocked mind
A Blockhead can't think very far

Imagine finding one in your laundry basket
Banging nails in your big black dog

Why bother at all about Blockheads?
Why should you care what they do?
Cos after all is said and done
You're a Blockhead too

Lord, what a great song.

Black and orange cars.

Mostly Cortinas, really, when that song was written.

:: WB 4:45 am [link+] ::
Science that Really Counts

Sleep easy readers. A conundrum of millenia solved.

A cheeese conundrum.

:: WB 4:32 am [link+] ::
Quality posting at Cose Turche

:: WB 4:18 am [link+] ::
It begins

Further to the post below, we are down to 'more than 1000 homeless' and '114 homes' flattened, from 1500 homeless from 300 families because of the flattening of 'up to 120' homes.

300 families in 114 homes?

I do not think so.

114 homes with more than 1000 people living in each? Average occupation say 10 people per home.

I do not think so.

I am thinking less than 114 homes. With maybe five per home.

You see where I am heading.

UPDATE: We are back at 300 homes, but we have a total of 1240 homess, 140 people whose shops (how many shops, not known) have been destroyed. And $1000 compo each from the Palestinian Authority. But 232 families homeless.

Something still is not adding up.

Rafah is a refugee zone. 232 familes in 300 homes? 68 familes have 2 homes? In a refugee camp? wha'?

I will keep an eye out for all this as it goes on. Needless to say Amnesty condemns the war crime action blah blah and UNHCR says it's the end of the word.


:: WB 4:13 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 12 October 2003 ::
Another Jenin "massacre"?

One to watch.

Up to 120 Palestinian homes in refugee camp flattened. Therefore up to 1500 innocent Palestinian civilians homeless. Eight dead in hospital. 50 injured. And approx. 41-49 tanks seen.

That is culled from the whole BBC piece. And the sources are natch from the Pals and their UN guy booster. Nobody else.

Now, the Jenin rubbish was that a whole refugee camp (refugee my arse - you cannot be a refugee if you never lived where you reckon you've had to seek refuge away from.....tortured syntax but you get the pikcha, yes?) was flattened and 500 civilians massacred.

The truth was 10% camp flattened, and 52 guilty combatants targetted deliberately and killed by Israeli military.

Soooo, let me consider the current situation in just the same way as the UN guy - ie pulling figures out of my arse but starting with basic Pal architecture as my guide.

We already know that 'hundreds of tanks' has become somewhere between 40-49 tanks now (cannot remember where I saw that). So we already know the traditional blurting of excess so favoured by Pals and UN has begun and is getting backtracked.

Now, we have in this BBC piece, 8 dead and over 50 injured (meaning somewhere between 51-60 incl injured).

We have somewhere between 40 and 49 tanks used

And we have 250-300 families each made homeless by destruction of apartment blocks which gives us 300 x 5 members of each family = 1500.

250-300 families in apartment blocks in Palestinian a refugee camp. Some camp, eh? But I digress. Let's talk the 300 families. Apparently they live in 120 'homes'. Apartments more like.

So we got 1500 people from 300 families living in 120 homes. That's two a half families in each home.

I know they are wogs and they like the whole extended family thing, but not the one and a half of not your family. Puhlease. They are wogs. Not coral.

Now, we have all seen the footage of Pal refugee camps. Pal refugee camps are not highrise heaven, so say each apartment block is 8 floors high. 120 apartments at 8 floors high, with, say, 4 apartments on each floor. Now we are at 4 apartment blocks of 8 floors high each with 4 apartments on each level to get to 120 families making up 1500 people.

Getting closer to the IDF figure for destruction of apartment blocks. Except 8 floors high is way too high. We are talking max 4 floors. We've all seen the footage.


So, it is more likely to be 4 blocks of flats of 4 floors high max with 4 flats on each floor and 5 people per family with 1 family per flat.

So we gotta 64 flats. 5 people each. 320 people say.

BBC world news is running hard with the 1500 figure. I have come to 320. Using Jenin as a guide I should come down to about 150 - 10%.

One to watch.

:: WB 6:05 pm [link+] ::
Thinking of Bali

Discrete. Good Blog Cover and Link.

:: WB 1:37 am [link+] ::
It is not funny news. But the headline, wellllll.....

:: WB 1:31 am [link+] ::
Hey Hey Hey. It's a Mediterranean Solution.

:: WB 1:22 am [link+] ::
Anything for an obelisk?

I prefer columns myself. Obselisks are just so, 3000 years ago, you know.

:: WB 1:16 am [link+] ::
Now this is a school

:: WB 1:13 am [link+] ::
:: Saturday, 11 October 2003 ::
Sovereignty Shmovereignty - Wog views of the Syria Israel thing and stuff

If Syria is busy suckling violent Palestinian jackasses on its side of the border and then letting them go out of Syria and into Israel to do their worst then you are interfering with the sovereignty of Israel.

If Israel lobs a bomb on one of your Syrian Palestinian armoury/terror-training camps then that is defence.

Get it, Syria? You are messing with the sovereignty of another nation by harbouring, feeding and then releasing stinking violent pigs.

Right? Your sovereignty has been put at risk by you because of your habits of fostering interference in Israel's sovereignty.

Stop doing that and your sovereignty is not at risk. Keep doing that and it is.

And in Gaza and the West bank? Same applies. Smuggling tunnels in houses.

Do you really think that that is not an interference with Israel? It is.

And immigration is an interference too. Running a country so badly that people flee it, lobbing onto leaky boats that have to get saved by Norwegian ships and then demanding that the Norwegian ship be pointed at Oz, just for one small example, is an interference with the sovereignty of the nation where the fleeing folks end up. It is.

The whole UN 'must respect sovereignty' thing is an absurdity today. Just absurd. There is so much connectivity today between bits of the world that the whole idea cannot be sustained, I reckon. Alls you can hope for is that your own sovereignty is not interfered with - and it won't be, so long as you straighten up and fly right - stop with the fostering of the violence.

And before any left-wing special kiddie blurts me an email about how 'Amerikkka' has been interfering with other people's sovereignty and Britain's colonialism and Oz muscles and blah blah I will put this out there:

after all that interference of the past (and it has been going on for millennia if you think about it), you must be thick as to be still running a fucked country. I mean, you gotta be bobbing and weaving out of the way of good ideas to be a fucked country these days. You gotta be making some lousy choices these days. Cos it is not as though you have not come across folks from countries that are not fucked, and had a chance to see what it is about them that makes them not fucked. After all, they were interfering with you - interfering with your sovereignty.

Property rights, intellectual property rights, no corruption (including transparent business and transparent participatory democracy), separation of church and state and the rule of law, that last one now including the big category of rounding up terrorists so they cannot terrorise.

These are the big deal ideas that will turn any country into a non-fucked country.

Syria cannot get to grips with the no corruption. The Palestinians cannot either. The Iraqis couldn't. The Iranians cannot get to grips with the separation of church and state.

Fucked countries. And they are trouble for everyone. And their sovereignty is not something that should stop us non-fucked country folks from caring enough to make 'em better.

Cos if we stop caring, well.....what? You know whatever it is, it will involve violent jackassery.

:: WB 4:19 pm [link+] ::
:: Friday, 10 October 2003 ::
Top Skip

If you are not moved by this bloke and what he ahs seen at 22 you are sick.

I know a beautiful man who also survived the blasts. A Turkish Cypriot who lost brothers. A Top Wog. He has astounded doctors and himself at his recovery to return to work, where I know him from. He is a better person than me. He has endured more. He has not turned violent or disgraceful as a response to the violence and disgrace imposed on him, inflicted on him and so many others. Neither has Jake.

Salt of the earth. Oz. Turkish Cyprus. Bali. Everywhere.

:: WB 6:26 am [link+] ::

Okay. Let me get this straight. An anti-Bush anti-war idiot (Wilson) is appointed by a bunch of idiots (CIA), on the strength of Wilson's own wife recommending him, to go to Niger for a week and find out categorically if Iraq was trying to source uranium from there, as British intelligence indicated.

Wilson goes there to Niger, does no looking around and concludes he has done a good job and comes back to the US to tell the CIA that there is no truth to the Niger uranium link as far as he is concerned.

Wilson hears Bush's State of the Union speech. He hears Bush say that Brit intelligence indicates the thing about Africa and uranium. Being an idiot Wilson thinks that this is contrary to his finding which was about US intelligence in Niger only. But what he knows about Brit intelligence in Africa you could write on the head of a pin. No, make that, a fatpawed labrador could write in Cyrillic script longhand on the head of a pin.

Wilson leaks his own report to the CIA which was not for public consumption - g'uh it is the CIA that he was working for - by writing a slag opinion piece of Bush on the whole Niger thing for some newspaper. Idiot. He tells the world he was working for the CIA in Niger.

Wilson and his wife are already in Who's Who. Vain idiots. So it is easy to know quick that Wilson is married to someone and Wilson did the Niger gig for the CIA.

Columnist Robert Novak writes a piece about Wilson's slag piece, and spills that one 'administration source' told him it was Wilson's wife who got Wilson the CIA Niger gig in the first place. Because she works for the CIA. And I think he names her. Or maybe not yet.

Now, she was previously a spook or something. So by naming her maybe people she used to be connected with can get in trouble if some folks put two and two together and think - Wilson Wifie spook, she talk to x, therefore x is spook too.....or something. Serious stuff. But her name is in Who's Who.

Then somehow Wilson's wifie's name gets out definitely. From two sources in the 'administration' I think is the deal. And this is thought to be a bad bad thing and anti-Wilson and all that.

But how is publicising a wife's name hurtful per se to a husband? Cos that is what folks are saying - the leak about wifie was done to hurt Wilson.

He does know her, right? It is not as though the revealing of the name is going to actually cause concern to the husband - like surprise or anything.

Maybe it is hurtful because the whole thing makes him look like a loser who needs his wife to get him a job (and even then he's too stupid to perform it well).

Maybe it is hurtful .....nope, that's it for hurtful.

Or maybe Wilson's wife is a bigger idiot than her husband. After all, she is married to the man who caused this whole fuss by leaking his own CIA report, and by being wrong wrong wrong about Niger. The Brits say the Africa (not just Niger) connection is there.

The whole thing is idiotic. Makes the CIA look horrible. Makes Wilson look like a duplicitous shithead who would not report evidence of uranium/Niger/Saddam's Iraq even if he found it because it would not suit his agenda, and makes his wife look like a moron for being with the guy.

Watch that marriage split up sooner rather than later.

:: WB 6:07 am [link+] ::
Wog Views of Anti-Success media coverage of the goings on in Iraq

Basically stuff is not bad but media coverage is shite. But then journos are all shite, right? No exceptions. Good for beers, but. But, jeez, you would not want to live with one.

And while I think about journos, what ever happened to Mr Paul McGeogh of the Sydney Morning Herald - he of the 'proud Iraqi resistance' or some such? Hmmmm? He has not written anything I do not think for a while. Maybe he is disappointed that the shitheads he mistook for reasoned resistors are shitheads only.

:: WB 5:35 am [link+] ::
Wog Views of Ahhnold's Cahleeforneeah

Just so youse all know what I am thinking:

I am thinking:

Did you notice in the voting that 3 something million folks voted against the recall - meaning they voted to leave Gray Davis in office - but only 2 something million voted for Democrat candidates as Governor in the event the recall went ahead (ie the important second part of their vote).

And did you know more people voted for Ahhnold and Tom McLintock the other Republican candidate than voted against the recall.

Looks like a convincing win to me.

Now the 1 million or so folks who voted against the recall but then did not vote for Democrat candidates to be Governor were either too stupid to do the second part (unlikely) or somehow crazy in the head enough not to want a recall but then to admit that, if it happened, maybe Ahhhnold etc should get the gig.

Whatever happened to the Democrat vote, but, one thing is sure. It is not disenfranchising to have to travel a bit further to a polling booth. Jesse Jackson declared briefly that Democrats were disenfranchised (by which he means black people because for him they have a hive mind for voting......ziff) because polling booths were in different places to the places 11 months before, when the actual last election was held.

Imbecile, patronising idiot.

It is not "disenfranchising" of a vote to have to haul your lard-arse to a voting station. It is "where the voting station is".

Hopefully, this vote will shake up America's awful left-wing that thinks wogs (ie blacks, Latinos, Asians etc) have no other political destiny but to suck off left-wing politicians and vote for 'em for ever.

That is what I have been thinking about the recall.

:: WB 5:31 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 22 September 2003 ::
Never give a wog an even break

The Guardian reckons this:

Iraq was effectively put up for sale yesterday, when the US-backed administration unveiled a sweeping overhaul of the economy, giving foreign companies unprecedented access to Iraqi firms which are to be sold off in a privatisation windfall.

Under the new rules, announced by the finance minister, Kamil Mubdir al-Gailani, in Dubai, foreign firms will have the right to wholly own Iraqi companies, except those in the oil, gas and mineral industries. There will be no restrictions on the amount of profits that can be repatriated or on using local products. Corporate tax will be set at 15%.

Iraq has a Finance Minister? It has a more attractive corporate tax rate than Oz? Oil gas and minerals, the biggest earners for Iraq's government are not being privatised so the State of Iraq can get international funds into itself through retaining control of its oil gas and mineral reserves? Iraqi 'firms' (a.k.a 'public sector companies' a.k.a staterun Ba'athist monopolies, 192 of 'em, are being privatised and bidding compeition is fierce, leading to an influx of funds into Iraq and loads o' jobs for local Iraqis? And even Oz companies can get involved?

This is a bad thing?

Jees. What can you do with lefties? A rundown socialist shithole governing structure is getting the heavy duty exfoliation to reveal the supple tightened pores of an active freer market beneath, and the Guardian thinks that's bad.

Read the article. Obligatory sneer at Haliburton and Cheney. Obligatory Doug-an'-Wendy-Whiiiiiinerrr voice natch recorded by the BBC (as if they could even find a Mahboob in Baghdad who actually is interested in making a living. Oh no. Nope. Those guys sure don't exist anywheres about).

Any superintense tendering process like what is going on now cannot possibly go alright all the time. There have to be guys doing the sleepless nights getting bids ready, pitches perfect, proposal printed, powerpoint presentations primed and CD's burned all in readiness for their chance at winning an engineering bid here or an IT services contract there or whatever. Iraqi guys included.

I reckon it is a top thing to see how damned fast all this is happening. And with bombs daily still the country gets better and better.

Any jackass wants to craft this as 'rape' the way the Gaurdian does in this tinking article, well, have at it.


:: WB 4:09 am [link+] ::
Super thoughful stuff about Islam and Europe

Islam and Europe. Usual high standaards from Euro bloggers.

:: WB 3:46 am [link+] ::
"She wants chocolate. Mum's not lookin'. "Here. Have the whole bloody block." And you know what? It works out. She's not a chubby little chocolate freak kid."

Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter. Quote from 'Australian Story' talking about his baby daughter.

:: WB 3:23 am [link+] ::
Oh Lileks.

Ooooh, Monday Lileks. How could you? How could you call such delicious comestibles by that horrible horrible name? You bad bad man.



:: WB 3:10 am [link+] ::
Good Lord. What is The Sun thinking?

I mean this whole beating thing is a totally serious matter. But "Woman editor"? Could you be any more sexisty patronisy?

And what is with the cartoon accompanying this editorial?


:: WB 3:08 am [link+] ::
:: Friday, 19 September 2003 ::
This is not good

But Jeez, must you try to overtake a goddam American military convoy with the boys with the guns on the top? And must they shoot so fast? Maybe it is just a guy driving an impatient Italian nagging at him to overtake and go faster.

God, how awful.

That, and the awfulness of that recent Iraqi police shooting thing, with the car chase and the Americans firing on the good guys in an unmarked car chasing the bad guys in an unmarked car and the hospital and the more firing, amemba?

Somebody needs to get to Baghdad quick and start marking the cars.

Surely there's some idle graffiti-ing youth we can send out for this superurgent task.

Urgh. Now I am sad.

Buona notte.

:: WB 7:06 am [link+] ::
Hands off Gilligan...

Is there nothing the Tories won't stoop to?

The deal seems to me to be this: today is 19 September. Then it was, what, May or something. What we know now is that Saddam was a horror. What we knew then was that Saddam was a horror. What we know now is that there is a part of this planet that is really stuffed, and it is the Middle East. What we know now is that one less despot rules in the Middle East.

Anyone wants to go back, shoot yourself already.

Anyone wants to bleat about how 'my govt lied' ask yourself this: if they didn't would you have ever been in favour of lifting a finger to help some wogs on the other side of the world?


Didn't think so.


:: WB 6:46 am [link+] ::
Top Observation

Iranian farmers -- a chicken in every pot, an anti-aircraft missile launcher on every tractor.

On the blogroll.

:: WB 6:31 am [link+] ::
:: Tuesday, 16 September 2003 ::

Since the articles about this are confused for the moment ('cept the above one is a start, but), let the wog help you understand just what has happened in Cancun:

70 nations of the world, not including competent nations like Chile and Italy and Australia and New Zealand and Ireland etc etc, but including nations such as Brazil and India (you see my point already yes?) let the whole world trade thing fall over in Cancun by refusing to even contemplate, for a minute, the matters listed below, opting instead to insist that first, countries like Australia and Italy and Chile must open up their markets to the agricultural goods of the Brazils and Indias, without getting any corresponding opening up of markets in return.

And what were the issues which the 'poor' 70 countries flat out refused to address:

1. stop with the corruption you corrupt shitheads with the backsheesh and the bribery (otherwise known as transparency in govt procurement);

2. No, you cannot have a kickback (otherwise known as transparency in customs clearances);

3. Do I look like I am standing in a medieval bazaar? I will not barter with you (otherwise known as transparency in foreign investment);

4. Just tell me what the thing costs, man. Please. No, not the 'tax man costs' winkwink, and then the 'for you cashmoney costs' nudgenudge (otherwise known as transparency in facilitating trade).

No one else wants to say it. But I can cos I am a wog.

I think I may have to check these 70 nations.

Money down they are listed on the Human Rights Watch as the worst offenders on earth, they all got lousy crime rates, stinking poverty and they are all as corrupt as all get out.

Money down this state of affairs is their own doing too.


Makes it hard to love wogs, eh?

:: WB 4:58 am [link+] ::
:: Monday, 15 September 2003 ::
Quality Work From Quality Euro Bloggers

It's all good.

:: WB 3:04 am [link+] ::
:: Sunday, 7 September 2003 ::
Sheikh Khalid Yasin speaking on ABC radio (natch)

Islam is under some pressure for terorism lately. How do you respond to to this?
It's a bit rich for the West to address Islam and terrorism when the West's own history is one of terrorism. Terrorism is not a place where we should start to evaluate Muslims. Let us start instead not even with Muslims. I mean, I wouldn't just Christendom by Christians.


How do you deal with fanaticism?
How does a government govern citizens? Through regulation. So how can Muslim leaders do it? We have no government. We can only preach. We can onlyl try to educate. To teach tolerance. But it is very unfair for Muslims to be denied global representation. They are denied global representation. Muslims need central government. I believe we need for things to come from the top down. I therefore promote that Muslims should be attached to ideas of community. This is the seed of Islam.

Where does the Shari'a fit into that?
Well, this is the rules, the law. If you do not have a people who are governed by Shari'a then you have a lawless people.

Oh, ladies, you must just lerv that.

How do you consider the operation of legislation and the role of Islam?
There is no law without God. This separation of church and state does not exist in Islam. Because the law is God's law, not man's law.

So do you think there can be a secular Islamic state? Turkey?
No. It does not work. It cannot work. The law is God's law. The source of law in Islam is superior to anything else.

What's your view of Malaysia and Indonesia, they are struggling with this at the moment?
Well, change cannot occur immediately. But we can look at Nigeria as an excellent example of Shari'a. Sweeping changes have been made.

But what about that case of the stoning?
One case of thousands is not a fair comparison. Her isolated case is not for Western reactions.

Do you think Shari'a can entertain the tolerance to allow others to practice their own religions?
Historically Islam has always shown tolerance, Shari'a is Spain, Shari'a in the Ottoman Empire. Nigeria needs some time.

How do you marry reporesentative democracy with Shari'a?
Representative democracy is by the people for the people. But God's law is settled and it is not for men to make laws where God has laid down law.
Represetnative democracy involves legislation, where men can marry men and women can marry women, they can adopt children and whole notions of family are turned upside.

Now, what you are saying is that Shari'a is above representative democracy, above parliament, is that right?
Yes. That's right and we make no apology for it. It is God's law, it is superior.

But Christians are in conflict with this because representative democracy can function with Christianity. Your solution is that Christians must capitulate to Islam?
No. No. Not conflict. Competition. We Muslims strive with dignity, without subversion, with tolerance, we strive to live under Shari'a. And it is only right that we be given the same opportunity as others to have our laws. Christians have their laws.

Calvin in Geneva and Cromwell in England - in Christian tradition, theocracy has been tried and has failed because the diversity of interpretation led to a conclusion that the preachers could not be paramount over parliament. Doesn't Islam too have many preachers?
No. There is a clear law. An apple is an apple whether it is rotten on the tree or falls or what the fuck? No idea what that is about.

Enough. Now they are talking about him.

He has a lovely voice, and a cool down with the homies kinda language. But it is still Shari'a. And he's not ashamed of his homophobia or of the stoning of girlies in Nigeria.

I don't wish to be tolerated, sir. I wish to be full on ignored by you and yours.

:: WB 6:51 am [link+] ::

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